A Vow for Stormpike’s Honor (premade AV)

It is in her blood…she’s a scrapper …odds be dammed …she will be the one to die with her boots on or win with them on your throat.


Does anyone know or play with the horde premade Alterac Valley Avengers? Run by Anglesong? I think bearlysober plays with them

Some of DJL are friends with them, why?

Yes I run with them as well from time to time. By the way after watching some vids of your team against SaS the other night i gotta say Miz your team is pretty cool. Calm and still having fun even when dealing with pugs that were crying the whole time and complaining. I like that calm demeanor having fun even when losing so hats off to SPM. Winning isn’t everything as I have always said i’d rather lose with the right crowd than win with the wrong crowd. Good team ya got there Kudos

Tbh I’m mostly curious to confirm their existence cause I’ve only heard rumors. But it seems we’ve been running into them quite a bit in the last month

They exist …and play nightly. Very good good community with a great leader :slight_smile:

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Oooh can I spectate and watch I’ll bring snacks :chocolate_bar::chocolate_bar::chocolate_bar::doughnut::doughnut::cookie::cookie::cookie::coffee::coffee::cupcake::cupcake::cupcake::cupcake::tropical_drink::tropical_drink::tropical_drink::icecream::ice_cream::ice_cream::cake::cake:

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Definitely, I’m sure coquette and others will stream

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I can’t tell you how much that means to me Bobbie. Thank you. I feel like we are really making some progress here. I know what you mean though. It’s frustrating being around so many bads because we all know that if you aren’t a good player in wow, you obviously have no worth in rl. Ergo Miz and Crocket have no value as humans and deserve to be destroyed. I will help you.

And look I get it. Old people are pointless in fact - funny story. I literally convinced a judge my parents had dementia when they were 60 and I got them placed in an old persons home where they have been trying to escape unsuccessfully for 10 years. You see Bobbie, I predicted that there was a slight chance I would have had to take care of them down the road which would have gotten in the way of my development as a wow player. So I get you man. Bgs tonight?


It’s ok though cause krienn is banned from SPM forever

May the punishment fit the crime.

:sob: :sob: :sob: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :coffee: :coffee: :coffee: :coffee: :female_detective: :female_detective: :female_detective: :beverage_box: :beverage_box: :beverage_box: :beverage_box: :icecream: :icecream: :icecream:

I told you I quit you tyrant. I’m rolling with Bonnie Boy now.


I’m pretty hyped. Just found out I actually do have that Saturday off tf

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You set a date for an AV war game without knowing if you were free or not?

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Pardon my enthusiasm

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GET SOME!!! Oh wait it won’t just let me say that. Well, yes, let’s all get some and do this.


Good game on Monday night DJL!