A Vow for Stormpike’s Honor (premade AV)

who cares what she does focus on you , again your obession with spm is weird .

lol I am just trying to get them to come out n play more truly…i have no issue with spm i just want to see them more. I actually like Mizriz for trying at it

And she will come out when she feels like she wants to play .

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The very forests of Lordaeron whisper the name…. Bobossss

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There are two things I know about the horde. They love Rachael Ray, and they are terrified of curses.


Lots of glory for Crom, the alliance, and Stormpike tonight


No, sorry. You were actually hearing my name. Bob.

It seems like SPM the premade I Bob created has lost their way. As the creator of SPM it seems like I must be the one to destroy it. SPM members will be finding themselves in the graveyard a lot more once the best player to grace any of these premades finds his way in World Of Warcraft once more.

I’m not sure who still plays, but my first targets are that terrible nightelf druid named Coq or something, and that really bad Dranei mage.

Bobby will see you soon. :cowboy_hat_face:

i never stopped playing, i just switched to my augvoker.

Buddy, there’s a line.


I made SPM, therefore I made the line. Besides I play better than anyone in the line.

Unfortunately, your line died when you left WoW.

A new line was formed.

The new line adheres to the FIFO rule.

That line seems very lacking if he has been gone for two years and the new line still hasn’t achieved anything.

My line is my own MVP line. I don’t line up with 1400 players like you lot. Bob has his own line.
Bob and Herc have destroyed SPM over and over that they lose to PUG groups.

Heck, Bob has destroyed every premade, I can’t even remember their names. ICC, Hydra, Prime? Whatever that Butterbean looking fella called it. They’ve all fallen.

All of us are eastcoasters though

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Most of our folks start logging at 10 or so on work nights. I play later, but not everyone does. So when you face us after 10, it’s only 1-2 groups typically.

Bobbie boy! It sounds like you and your line are doing great. Good to hear. What can I do to help you in this quest to destroy SPM? I like you, am a very highly sought after specimen of a player. We are both very nice guys, not toxic at all, who just want to honor the sanctity of AV that blizzard in all of their wisdom established for us lesser beings. It’s people like Miz curse him who have ruined all that is good and just in the world…. Of Warcraft and I for one am not going to stand by and watch.

I am reaching out to you as a friend(compassion) and I hope we can bring down the true evil in this world(Spm) together. I love you. Now you go.

I see you typing tyrant. Don’t do it

Oh how many did you have in the two matches on Monday? We were at like 16 or 17 both games

One look at your PVP achievements and how you speak, you sound like you belong in SPM.
Unfortunately for you, I am a very nice person, and you sound like a descendant of Zeela so I will not let you join me on this quest. :frowning_face:

I think you’d find more of your kind in a retirement village.

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