A Vow for Stormpike’s Honor (premade AV)

Nah, we’re not recruiting

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But it’s Airwen!!!

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Yes you are Miz curse you. You take Druids. Everybody knows that. I also concur with Hellokitty. Her math is in fact indubitably correct as the crow flies. She just called you a bad player again. What!? What!? You that’s what I thought tyrant.

I didn’t call him a bad player I just say honestly for as much smoke that comes out of this post there isn’t much fire. SPM may have once been mighty and active but AV gives a truck ton of honor and only making 1 honor level every month is not very active for as much chatter.

Well they only play when east coasters go to bed :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh snap! Miz- what is your response? She just said that you are not a bad player which is even worse because it means you have the ability but are too lazy to work. All you do is talk. No work. Typical premader.

1 honor level per month from this vow…seems weaksauce imo

Miz. She just called you out by quoting the OP in this thread. Shots fired. And you are quiet. That’s what I thought. Tyrant.

To wish to see the might of Stormpike fully unleashed is to ask to witness a full solar eclipse without eye protection

Can you not feel the raging cold wind on your cheek when it howls? Does your skin not burn when exposed to the flames? Turn away fool

The devastation you would see is not to be sought. It’s not to be requested. It’s not be unleashed without dire consequences to the greater PvP population. All of Azeroth would weep in the wake of such catastrophic happenings. Turn away

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Well …i guess we sit and wait …anyone got a match or some accelerant to help Miz with his mighty inferno …AIRWEN!!! Anyways I think Golden Guardians who are out there getting it done would beg to differ with your idea of how you are the savior of the alliance. So much smoke for so little fire imo…as they say empty drums make the most noise. There are those who do and those who talk about doing …i think we’ve established which one you are. 6 months on this vow and 6 honor levels is weaksauce especially in an ebg that gives the most honor.

Pay no heed to these honor level shamers!

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I bring up honor level only to show activity in this case :slight_smile:

Indeed. Heeding the words of a bat with a broken wing cannot show one how to swim

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Empty drums make the most noise…play on drummer boy play on

Who are you


Who are you asking? Who Who…Who Who…great now that song is stuck in my head.

Bandit, aka Bob, hasn’t played WoW since Shadowlands and is now an FPS demon.


it does take some time to rack up honor levels tho

Thats pretty slow to be banging your chest on forums claiming to be the savior of Alterac Valley and making Vows that you are going to ruin the Horde lol. After talking to some others last night from various communities I finally came to the conclusion it’s Roleplay which I’m not used to, not an actual commitment. That kinda became apparent when deacon here made another post. However in my defense I’m blonde lol

Hellokitty I personally think you are on to something and I wouldn’t drop it so easily. Unfortunately I know Miz the tyrant curse him and he has been holding me back from my glorious potential for years.