A Vow for Stormpike’s Honor (premade AV)

You are herebyforth banned from SPM for your rotten ideologies

Oh Bobbie… I am not going to quit you that easily. I literally told you you are a nice guy and then you just said unfortunately for me you are a nice guys so please splain that won. Anyway, I will be characteristically above your quips and reach out to you again. I understand you have been hurt. I know you have experienced pain and I want you to know that I am hear for you. I know that you are pushing me away because you don’t want to get hurt again because when you let someone in, you take that chance. Of getting hurt. But it is worth taking that chance Bobbie boy. Group with me. Let us rise above the evil of Miz. Maybe you can help me increase my pvp rating so I am worth you talking to. I am asking you. As a friend. What do you say? Don’t close me off.

You can’t ban me - I quit. How’s that? I am rolling with Bobbie now.

Bobbie - Take my hand and don’t look back. Just you and me. YOU DON’T NEED TO BE ALONE ANYMORE NO CAP

this thread got weird. i need more popcorn.

Hey pea brain, a nice person wouldn’t associate with a descendant of Zeela. Hopefully that makes sense for you.

“I am hear for you.” I’m very glad you can hear for me.

My fan club is full right now, maybe ask Miz to be your friend. You probably have the same PVP IQ!

Thanks for reaching out to Bobby, but he must decline your application as of now.

Oh Bobbie. I am extremely compassionate, kind and caring so I will continue to reach out. Before I go on I just want to say for the record that Miz deserves to perish in a spectacular manner for all of the atrocities he has committed against wowkind. But you Bobbie boy. You! You have always been there for me. I sense in you a kind soul. Let me in. I won’t let them hurt you anymore. I love you. I have said it twice now I think. Anyway it is true. Let me into your fan club and let’s make little fans of our own. Together we could be unstoppabeble. We are both top rated players, good people, and people like us because we are nice. We are both straight forward and caring. I told you. I will not quit you. Let Papa Krienn in.

What atrocities?

You are the prime source for drama here. You farm innocent pugs for no reason under the guise of bringing peace to AV but you don’t. You have sullied Yaga’s good name and made a mockery of premades. You have also hurt Bobbie in a very special way. You stack druids to make games unfair against Sass and Djay. Your honor level is very low and your arena rating is low too and you don’t have the bloodthirsty title yet lol smh. And if that wasn’t enough you are a gnome. You are also a tyrant curse you.

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OMG I am not the prime source of drama!


You stack druids. You also make sure you have one more heal than the other team at all times so you can win. You also started this thread during a time of peace which thoroughly hurt Tortoise and that horny dude. And when things have died down, you make a post under the guise of rp that thoroughly insults people under the guise of rp. Pathetic smh no cap lol.

The new line suppressed SPM for the better part of 2 years.

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My group solo popped into SPM yesturday. It was 3 of our best healers in my group so the game dragged long but it wasn’t winnable. SAS tried to specific AV after but I guess SPM logged early or something. Oh well, maybe next time.

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Gasp no more dk ?


she got u beat there for record


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Was bearlysober playing with you?

Oh we did 1 brawl, then some wpvp then went to bed. It was a random night for us to be playing. We had 14 in that AV

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Thank you for keeping WPvP alive :slight_smile:


I don’t recall.

Bob thinks you’re incredibly boring and corny. I know you co-lead SPM with Miz, but I think you might’ve made your own quit roleplaying Zeela.

Keep it up though, the more people you make quit SPM from your atrocious leading, the more you guys lose to PUGs.
I couldn’t imagine running a premade just to lose to pugs in AV.

Tf they rping as zeelas now

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Oh my dear, sweet, innocent and yet vengeful toughchubbiebob. I don’t mean to insult you but you seem pretty slow minded and one-sided in trying to destroy me, the heroic and intellectually superior Krienn who only wants the best for you. Once again I find myself in a position to educate a lesser being via superior reasoning skills and facts. I will not stop extending my hand in friendship to you for I recognize a lost Bobbie boy. A lonely Bobbie boy. A Bobbie boy begging for attention and acceptance but a Bobbie boy that has been hurt and so he must test. He must test those who reach out in friendship for fear of getting hurt again. Because he was hurt once. By Miz. I will pass your test and break through that wall of teenage anger my dear ToughChubBobbieBOY! It will be glorious… I WON’T QUIT YOU.