A Vow for Stormpike’s Honor (premade AV)

I think i was on base tower duty that game but was a gg

Really great and exciting games recently

GGs everyone we’ve fought the last couple weeks

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Really great and exciting games recently

GGs everyone we’ve fought the last couple weeks

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Listening to a likely inebriated pirate captain:



Half our team already turned in for the night as it’s a work night for most. The problem wasn’t folks who did listen to call outs, it was the mercs who did nothing but troll then entire time. When we could move as one we crushed them, but we had more than half a pug team. And I was not inebriated last night btw. :wink: GGs to SPM even though they were toxic to us.

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I was going with the drunken pirate theme.


Wait, what happened?

Lots of emoting and slaps and rude behavior from around 10 or more in that raid. I told my team not to do that, be above it.

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Deacon’s still mad we booted em :stuck_out_tongue:

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No idea who/what that means.


Commander Airwen Reporting for Duty!

I’m with OP lets roll over you pugs on the horde side like you can’t find your keys on the keyboard, you didn’t learn how to read, you can’t follow simple instructions because they are to busy complaining about losing…

Waste every one of them I say!

Well I have never been more afraid …shudder. Hopefully you can jump start them so we see them more I guess. All I ever hear is oh we didn’t have many players in there.

You poseur

This is awful! Specifically what happened tortoise? I will get to the bottom of this for you because I like you. A lot. I have been saying it for some time now. Miz is a toxic tyrant who lives in a hut away from civilization. Very uncouth.

Congrats on honor level 80 btw, if I recall when you made this post back then it was 74.

I am absolutely a tyrant these days but I live in a bungalow not a hut

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Buuurrrnnn! She is calling you a bad player Miz. Where is your bloodthirsty title? That’s what I thought. Good one Hellokitty. I got your back. You go gurl NO CAP.

GG for both games!


If math serves me right that’s one honor level every month. Wish they would get in there more often but now they have Airwen so hoping that helps get things rolling.

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