A Vow for Stormpike’s Honor (premade AV)

Yes, why wouldn’t I?

Yeah i haven’t seen them yet either. And can’t seem to find anyone who is in them.

[edit] I’ll also see people who kind of brag (?) about playing with them but still have never seen them. Just interested in how good (or not) they are at epic BGs.

im saying that could be why you dont see them silly

My champion will duel and defeat any SAS player (or any wow player anywhere) who is up for the challenge

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Dibs on Demoniclily!



Any word on this yet?

I must have read that wrong sounded like they asked you but I guess that would make sense …lol anyways sounds interesting I’d like to see it.

Lemme guess, a bear?


/10 char

wait I kinda want to fight your champion cuz im a glutton for punishment

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Oh add me! Mizriz#1818

I want to witness the duel

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Oh I think you know my champion actually

is it the disc priest


His name is OBERYN MARTEL THE VIPER OF DORN and he seeks revenge for the death of Elia Martel

Edit: no just kidding but it’s not a disc priest

wow that’s a mouthful

I added you I wanna battle him


Yea you can


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Awesome. Ill be home in a bit idk when yall are doing this but thanks for the add

Yea! of course :slight_smile:

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Really great game on Monday! I was bummed my team split but it was a great match


GG! Was a fun game! I hate sitting on druid duty but good game. :smiley: