A Vow for Stormpike’s Honor (premade AV)

You are literally the one who went QQ’ing to the forums to start drama, only to complain about “drama” happening.

You are also getting mad saying “people like Cinco are making accusations.” as if you’re not accusing people of cheating just because you lost. We won, we were better than you. Lick your wounds and regroup.

You accuse people of being toxic and negative when you are the one who started stuff. Your Worgen character race and flower crown tells me everything I need to know about you though.


I’m pretty sure the SaS in ashran thread was started by you all…that whole thing went downhill from there it wasn’t SaS starting a forum coming at you saying you cheat or were cheating until someone was trying to glory forum. Now you are coming in here claiming they are cheating? If you don’t want drama don’t start it mon amie


We secretly have the one and only remaining GM in the game on our side that removes players from the game as we see fit. Oops the secret is out.


That is sus.


Unless Blizzard fixed it, I remember people were abusing reports in rated BGs. That was a while ago though.

Well, hopefully, people can provide evidence that they weren’t at the scene of the crime…

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Karie never leaves epics ever fyi not once does she ever go afk try again plz


Wait, I thought you said your entire premade was methodically kicked out of the game?

For Science!

Just a heads up, in the past, you could abuse reporting to kick people from the other team. Idk if Blizzard fixed it.

Don’t go! We need to get your POV if other stuff comes up.

Lucky you. You got WG D advantage against our WG O

Are you sure you want to do that?


Tbh Karie rages pretty hard whenever I see her in reg bgs

Not surprised they kicked her

one of those

“I DONT PVP TO WASTE TIME” kind of people


We won that WG Offense with 0 seconds left on the clock!!!

GG Karie



I’ve never won WG O with 0 on the clock. For those curious we broke the door and me and 2 DH were trying to get to the orb to click it while the entire alliance team was doing what they could to stop us. One of the DH got the click at 0 seconds left

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cant believe you cheated the clock no way.

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By the way, I know I’m an advocate of cross-faction teams, but imagine what will happen if premades get mixed together and then the leaders of each community get booted out.

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salty. love it when you over extend to get destroyed.

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Some of us are friends. Others, not so much.


it was sarcasm man

lmao. gg tho. was fun

also clock edged us hard ngl, at 0 seconds for 8 seconds, real asf, i was owning your demos for most of the game too.

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my hands were sweaty asf, ngl. lol


On a lighter note…

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leak the names yo???

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