A Vow for Stormpike’s Honor (premade AV)

May i ask a few questions pertinent to the thread title?

Mizriz, do you play on Mizriz?
Is SPM still playing?
Do you folks only play AV or all eBGs?
Just wish i knew if I’ve ever seen you all in a match.

It was you who said that wasn’t it



i have played in epics for awhile now and havent heard of a SPM, so probably not?
and for SAS and GG we usually do all epic bgs, sometimes specific que 40 man bgs (usually av) or south shore vs tauren mill when its in the rotation.

SPM is still active. I grouped with them earlier this evening.
Had loads of fun! Looking forward to the next AV battle.
:peace_symbol: :heart: :leaves:


they never did tbh

i havnt seen you in ages hello !

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yes they do

yes they do

i think mostly av but i think they do all epics prob

well do you have a 70 on retail because that could be why

Hiya! I pop up every now and then like a bad penny. :upside_down_face:

:peace_symbol: :heart: :leaves:

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I can neither confirm nor deny.


But I don’t PvP, so it definitely wasn’t me.

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Breaking news

The brand of OGpapabear has entered the thread. On his behalf I am letting the bg communities know that he finds this an interesting thread with friends and enemies alike. This is exciting!


LOL glad to see you again !


Great games last night everyone we fought and who fought with us


Mass afk reporting mhm. They must’ve been absolutely livid to resort to that


But you have more to say about PvP and how it’s supposed to be played than anyone in these forums. You have screen shots on almost every single match or topic. I bet there isn’t a thread in the PvP forums you haven’t commented on! I don’t play golf but I think I’ll go buy a few courses and tell the players how the game is supposed to be played…as I am inspired now! I know they will completely value all my opinions as I don’t play the game :slight_smile:


Yea ok bob

you can’t fool me

How tall are you irl


Holycow is not Bob no way no how

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Wanna bet

100k wow gold

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Are you bob?

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To be clear we are talking about spacebandit bob?