A Vow for Stormpike’s Honor (premade AV)

I’d say that if I wanted to really fight them in a place where they and my team could both TC on voice to q up for rbgs, but

I’d have to tank my mmr by 1000 rating for that.

Yeah, because one of the raid leads (me) got kicked mid-combat with your team’s DH midfield when you guys were trying to edge forward. At that point multiple GG had suddenly started getting hit with random kicks from the game, that’s when we called for an AFK because that’s extremely suspicious.

im laughing reading that as you guys have left bgs before then complain about something on the forums, like how we would take to long to finish you off (30 people sitting in a choke point of who we dont know are afk) of course we would try to find a way around that.

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I can only tell you what I heard on discord …anyways after this posted they are all like…can that even be done. I can honestly tell you they are confused as to what you are talking about. No one even thinks that can be done and to boot even if you are reported afk you won’t get booted unless your actually not actively doing damage or am I wrong?

you can get mass afk reported before even if your top damage and most kbs, happened to me in a full pug av i had lead in.

The only thing that might lead to suspicion that I’ve been told may be the actual case is that the idle debuff used to require an honorable kill made with the affected player as a direct contributor to remove it, and no HKs were obviously being made in such a stalemate.

If it’s on the pugs angrily mass-reporting because of me trying to explain premade vs. premade works, then this is on the pugs.

We’ll be testing this when I next q into CC/DJL by having their entire team simultaneously report me and seeing if it kicks me.

I just know that this is NOT the first time or the last time that this has happened to me; this happens often in Classic Ashran and it’s often done with no idle debuff given.

So you would need a lot of people reporting on the alliance side as you cannot report from horde side…so yes sounds legit A huge group of SaS allegedly went into that av on your team just to report you all. seems a bit ridiculous to me

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Not the same at all. We said we left the IoC game because they were dragging it out pointlessly while very far ahead. Karie is accusing us of malicious behavior to somehow boot them out of the game while he was losing.


Are you one of those that assume the first cap on Warsong/Twin Peaks means you’re losing? Honest question.

I have heard talk about this on forums before but never heard it worked so test it out but i assure you simply put on discord they were doing great then they saw you all leave.

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isnt afking in the throne room also dragging it out LMAO??? so very dumb.

I also know you can get booted for staying in the gy too long but I am sure you knew that one so it wasn’t that I gather,

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You lose every fight and were 100 points behind based ONLY on kills. Our whole team was pushing into SHGY as you were ‘booted’ out. I don’t see how you were not losing. But it’s fine I’m done with this.

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Do you really think losing two team fights in a row and having half of your team separated mid warlock gate due to an Ursol’s Vortex only counts as 1 flag? Cause I’d say that’s at least 2 :stuck_out_tongue:


I’ve beaten 2700 rated teams while starting the early game 2 flags down.

Just like how SAS lost an Ashran while having the first AA and our mage killed because they got overconfident and then sat on the backfoot for a full hour and a half later, you never assume the game is over and guaranteed to be in the bag until you see the victory screen.

karie pls que.

Half the Alliance team suddenly left the bg at the same time when we took SHGY. How did they all decide to leave simultaneously unless someone called it?

They didn’t leave in drips they mass exodused as one.

You had already left 5 mins prior.

gg’s anyway


This is a fact …100% I am however looking forward to what you find out by testing the theory. if that’s a thing I would have thought it would have been seen a lot more by now.

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You are right about this one. I take 100% responsibility for this. This one was my fault. I admit it.

As I recall, so did you. Plus, it took you 3 AA’s (and then some due to your resetting the timer…somehow) & 6 trees. Just sayin.

Says the one that ran straight to the forums.

You can’t even keep your lies straight. smh


Question for you…were the ones booted with you also speaking in bg chat backing your leadership or talking to the pugs letting them know they were a part of that premade?

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Pretty much every single GG player started getting kicked in a steady stream after I got kicked mid-combat in mid. The chain of command flat-out fell apart then and there.

I commented about it immediately after the boot and at first thought it was the pugs, and was blaming pugs at first in community chat because I’m used to this being done by people that get angry of the game being played differently than they’re used to (we did have to remove one pug for sitting in stealth behind the SAS group the entire first teamfight and flaming everyone in chat while not contributing).

Then people in the community started getting kicked. We did NOT call for a mass-afk until after more than half the group had got lobbed.

There were people in GG that didn’t talk the entire game, yet were still kicked. So, I am obviously very suspicious of SAS, or of the possibility of there being a malicious third party that happens to know the names of players in the community.

All this thread made me realize is that I need to start streaming our games with the chatbox visible so that we don’t have people like Cinco making accusations that I’m going to lie over what happened in an epic BG of all places.

Anyway, that’s the last I’m going to speak of this. My interactions with SAS are by and large negative and it seems to be a general trend with the way that they act on the forum. In my 10 years of doing RBGs, a bracket with actual rampant cheating and ddosing, I’ve never seen a more dramatic environment than epics. That’s saying a lot.

V Case in point, can’t let a convo die V