A Vow for Stormpike’s Honor (premade AV)

Did you go eat at So Deul Nyuk?

Looks familiar

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You were watching me watching you watching me.

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Tbh it never was a thing on purpose. We always had a lot of druids by coincidence and our enemies used to accuse us of stacking them. So this round we played up that angle on the forums for fun lol

But we do still have a ton of druids by the same coincidence. Cause I’ve literally only been recruiting from our old player pool


At least you are making the ebgs more challenging and if you are doing it even to help coordinate a full team of pugs at least that’s something. When you made this post I was hopping you’d create a full team and we’d meet in the field more often. Anyway you look at it I encourage the attempts to coordinate a real match whether you have 1 or 40. Yoggy wrangled a lot of pugs into a good solid group following directions and trying to play the right way versus blitzes. They got to know his name I think and started to listen and win. So if you are doing that then I totally encourage that and commend it as it does seem that you are getting them to follow directions more. So busting chops aside keep it up. I’m still gonna hunt you down if i can get off defense duty that is …but that goes without saying lol

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you really need to stop dissing spm . its like you are obsessed girl drop it . Ive been trying to not say anything but you really need to stop . It seems that you are very new here and you dont know the history and keep rooting for the teams you like .


oh really ? i think you do because you are the only person throwing a temper tantrum over if spm is real or not , if they relevant or not. Like hunny spm has more relevance then your whole existence here on forums .


I just said they were doing a good thing in the post above. I keep getting things directed at me so I respond pretty simple. At any rate i finished my poking at Miz with that last post. My whole 190 posts on forums since 2006 is really lacking I know that’s because i am off actually playing the game :slight_smile:

Passport Bro?

Always a joy to watch the loading screen randomly pop up while trying to lead a group that’s half (figure of speech, we definitely outnumbered them) pugs, because the pugs are a bunch of fools that refuse to follow directions and abuse the report away system on those actively participating.

15 minute deserter for trying to lead that AV because the pugs get angry that SAS doesn’t want to push into us for any reason.

It wasn’t just me, either.

Multiple GG got afk kicked mid-combat. That’s sus, there weren’t more than 10 pugs in that game. What say you, SAS? I know full well it’s possible to report the enemy team for non-participation.

Edit: It wasn’t multiple. It was our entire team. There’s no way for pugs to know every single one of our members and methodically go down the list to mass-report every single one of us away.

Sounds like you were avoiding the loss. I was in SAS voice the whole game. We were not reporting any players and as far as we know reports from the opposite factions can not boot you out let alone your entire premade. It does not work that way. Either your team reported you or you left the game


:chicken: :chicken: :chicken: :chicken: :chicken: :chicken: :chicken: :chicken: :chicken: :chicken:


Stop assuming, this one is on you guys to individually prove you didn’t do it, give me a voice comms log. Unlike you guys, I don’t AFK out of a guaranteed loss like you did in IOC. You’ve all done nothing but try to throw shade the entire past week and a half ever since that Ashran with baseless accusations of cheating and even ddosing.

You guys are overly dramatic to the core and it actually sickens me.

Considering SaS is always looking to fight you and the other premades that would make very little sense. I was working on leveling an alt and listening on SaS discord when they wondered why you all left. So yeah sounds more like something else to me…


The only way to get to the bottom of this is to test it. So let’s do it. Not tonight, maybe Wed.

Stop saving face, you all left after getting wiped at SHGY.

Why on earth would we report a losing team that we are farming? That does not make sense.

Anyway, im sorry yall had to /afk


“stop assuming” also “I am assuming you did something wrong.”

People are innocent until proven guilty, that’s not how this works lol.

You call us dramatic to the core and YOU were the one who went to the forums to cry because the other kids were better than you.

Hilarious, I’ve never heard of you until now, but thank you for making my night.


I dunno what happened but

You cant prove a negative.

The burden of proof is on the person making a positive claim

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It’s absolutely HILARIOUS that they think me of all people is going to call for a mass-AFK.

They clearly don’t understand who I am or how I play.

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we usually beat you then you guys /afk, SAS tends to do that alot lmao?

From our perspective it’s obvious that you left the game and are trying to deflect for some odd reason instead of owning up to it. I wouldn’t lie about this, we played that game fair and square. We won every team fight and were ahead 100 points. We were taking SHGY as you left.

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