A Vow for Stormpike’s Honor (premade AV)

It’s Ahrily’s now, and it’s the Golden Girls, yes.


Either Charmy or Charmypoo was one of my pet nicknames for you :relaxed:

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Of course. my mistake wasn’t aware of the shift in ownership

We call him 10 Ply.

We just needed more women in leadership…I mean look at Cinco and TK climbing the ladder!:dancer:

Btw, my pronouns are queen/crazy cat lady :princess::black_cat:


You cannot go wrong with more women in leadership


finally GG showed up now a real team convo can start

Queen :princess: indeed. I never really minded which my leaders were cause I never really minded leaders until I had to of course. Most of the time I was just doing me

See I told everyone you were doing yourself :slight_smile: …nobody believed me when they kept telling you to do that.


I’m pretty sure Golden Guardians is an esports organization owned by the Golden State Warriors.

I don’t know if it’s a coincidence, or maybe Ruthless is a fan?

Yeah, it was a different one.

Why do the people who care so much about epic bg premading even Q

It’s like watching people run into the same glass door over and over

I understand the desire to be dominated just as much as the next person, but it’s been like this for over a decade now LOL

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Wether they did or not you were correct and they were not. :pray::wink:

so you are gonna be coming back I was wondering where you went off to

Within the next few weeks probably I’ve been vacationing in South Korea.

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Oh nice …that place is quite nice I’ve heard very tech heavy as well

That was like a really long vacation my dude

It certainly is I took quite a few pictures to be immortalized in my photo album. And yes it is tech heavy but in the same way as Taiwan in the manufacturing of parts for technology.


Well though you are a pain in the behind in ebgs it’s always at least more interesting so welcome back early :slight_smile:

I try my best for whatever team I find myself on. Even if sometimes they don’t do the same for me

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I hail from S Korea :grimacing:…hope you enjoy my home country && see ya around!

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