A Vow for Stormpike’s Honor (premade AV)

I say GG no matter if we win or they win. It’s all about being a good sport.


I could not agree more…that what makes it cool. We own our loses and our wins equally and never say you only won because we did not have many in the match even if that’s the case.

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Or we blame Toxic. :smiley: That always works :smiley:

It’s crazy how Arena gets all the attention from Blizzard for PvP but BG’s and EBG’s are what get the most participation.

1200 replies in a trash talk thread for a few days worth of EBG’s being played. Meanwhile Arena threads are lucky to get 10 replies.

Makes me happy to see this many people enjoying BG’s and EBG’s so much.


Hi Kit! Been awhile.

No I don’t see the point you are making. What you’re saying is excuses I see as keeping egos in check. “We beat SPM and it felt like fighting a pug”. If SPM is only bringing 12-15, then the group is primarily composed of pugs.

There’s a good chance you’re taking the trash talk a little too seriously. There’s trash talking from several premaders that commented in this thread, but SPM is the one that seems to get under your skin lol. Funny that.


It’s only cause the original post is riveting


right its been forever ! i miss all the forum ppl i used to talk to ! good to see you again !

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Aren’t we always just fighting pugs with spm …i mean pretty much it’s the pugs if they don’t really have the membership. When they win it’s all because of SPM (yay glory for SPM …hurry get to the forums) when they lose it’s the pugs (oh we didn’t have many in there so blame the pugs). /shrug At any rate the only time I think of SPM is when I come to forums to see yet another post on their call to action board here. I am pretty sure every other community only thinks about SPM when they come here and all the other time it’s poof not even a thought.

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Maybe you don’t think about SPM when you’re inside AV, because you’re not leading the raid.

But Cinco does.

Cinco was already thinking about SPM and searching for Mizriz at the start of the game.


Well he is the lead…target the lead so you can see where they are heading…kinda a common practice. Oh no she’s alone …probably because she wasn’t worried about much. Also that looks like midfield not a cave. looks like they refused to team fight in middle and were probably stationed at shb or shgy if I had to guess…and those portraits …hmmm. When this thread came out we were hoping for a good challenge we que’d AV specific trying to hook up with them. Nowadays we just don’t think about them honestly. It’s not a put down it’s just a fact. Maybe when I’m not around people are like…OH IT"S SPM I could not tell you…but when I am there it’s like oh it’s spm. Ask around it’s just what I have seen I’m sure others have as well. It’s not a diss by any means it’s an overall observation.

Hardly alone. Why would she ever be worried? She has 30+ SAS players nearby. And on Discord.



You specific queue AV whether SPM is queuing or not.

Or did you specifically coordinate queues with SPM?

I guess we can just ask the other community leaders if they think about SPM when they’re inside AV.

You’re more familiar with the various communities. Who should we ask? Cinco? Torturekilla?


So both teams :turtle:ed mhm

I’ve already wasted way too much time on SPM …they just do not concern anyone from all i have seen and heard …you go ask what you want. No one really cares …maybe they did once but as it goes they don’t much anymore. if you want to talk about a real threat in ebgs for the horde it would be GG but certainly not SPM at the moment. I will give them credit for tipping the balance for pugs though as they do try to lead them effectively. As far as big matches go it’s just not a thing.

You’ve made 121 posts in my thread. Ty for caring about SPM so much hellokitten 0-2


What is gg? Ruthlesses team?

I think we actually won that match 458-0 but I’m not sure it’s the one I’m thinking of

imgur. com/a/ SNakXMm

(Remove the spaces from the link cause I’m not privileged yet)

Golden Guardians run by Ruthlessbro and Kari as far as I can tell


Nice to see you again Charming.

Actually I am the owner of Golden Guardians and Ruthless is our main leader. Karie is one of the members that like to lead games from time to time along with other volunteer leads.


Mhm I see the name sounded familiar

Lol, last night in AV, I eagle eyed, saw Lilmad at SH GY, mind visioning yours truly. LMAO.

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I don’t worry/stress when it’s SPM, I’m just watching for the gaggle of druids. Cause that’s their thing. They have enough pugs to lose it even if they play well, same as us really. That’s why we enjoy fighting them. We have around the same numbers most of the time. I am highly competitive though and hate to lose. Both teams are good sports though and we GG the winner.