A Vow for Stormpike’s Honor (premade AV)

The goat.


you know what i like sticky rice its so bomb

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Newsflash. You are all irrelevant. You’re delusional if you think SAS or any other premade is more relevant than any other. You all abuse the queue system, some more than others to get more players in. Running 40 deep for easy stomps does not make one more relevant.


We love rice, all kinds

Hot girl bod approved carb for sure!

It’s bikini season afterall :parasol_on_ground: :clinking_glasses:


I am part of the special ops team, sneaking and back capping towers, while lootin yer balognas too.


Thats what anyone would say if they couldn’t get the numbers. I am fairly positive if they had 40 players that wanted to play they would not say “oh no half of you sit out we want don’t want an easy win” …I don’t think anyone buys that argument for a second.

Cats have furry paws…just sayin

Did you see SaS in here talking about it beyond him responding ?

Don’t forget the little jelly beans!!

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Your belief just shows what kind of communities you’ve been a part of. Clearly, your communities enjoy heavily stacking your teams for easy wins.

The thought of a premade not bringing 30+ people for easy wins must seem like a foreign concept to you.

He wasn’t responding to SPM, but he decided to bring them in anyways.

He wanted SPM to say something about the AV game:

^ Doesn’t that look like going on the forums and rubbing it in?


no, it does not.

Personally that looks like rubbing it in real deep but that’s just me

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Holy Jesus Christ, this bug still exists? It was common back in 2005.

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Blizzard polish


Nice to see you on the forum, Charming.

As someone who used to run with SPM and was part of the core SPM group, let me clear this up for you. SPM was created to combat a horde community that rarely ran with less than 40 players and gloated about farming pugs.

The counter to this toxic group was so well received that SPM got much bigger than intended and at one point, we had more than 40 people ready to queue on AV nights. But, the idea of becoming the very thing they had formed to fight was not what SPM was about. They intentionally kept smaller groups because the horde premade they were looking to fight was actively dodging them and most games would be against pugs. So they kept their groups small because even in smaller groups, they made the pug stompers play the game and not farm gys or avoid objectives. They did what they came there to do.

I’ve seen you talk down to and about SPM a few times in this thread and it was enough to make me log in to respond. You’ll be hard pressed to find a better leader than Mizriz. He has created a group whose purpose is to make premades work a little harder for their wins, or even lose, while not being a pug stomping 40 man the rest of the time.


OMG jadei !!! Swipe her wig girl I haven’t seen you in ages !!! I know we have had our differences but thank you for typing all that .


All you horde side premader scum are lucky Jadei the legend doesn’t care for retail anymore


Very nice response though I do not know you it seems you have taken the time to write up what you feel about his leadership and I will value that as it is. The fact remains I am speaking about what I have observed in various communities and for myself. The forums hold much smoke for very little fire as far as SPM is concerned. I totally get the not becoming the beast you are trying to fight thing and respect that. I value that for the most part but when they win there is forum posts about how great they are when they lose it’s because we didn’t have many there. This is what is seen by every community I run with and stated it plainly. So there is no value at all in SPM in either direction making them merely irrelevant. If we win there is no glory there is only excuses if they win it’s omg they are the team to beat. Do you see the point I’m making.