A Vow for Stormpike’s Honor (premade AV)

this is what im talking about


I was referring to hellokitten not SAS. There’s been a solid mix of victories and losses to SAS so far

Are you trying to say hellokitten has beaten SPM in AV?

I haven’t been in a ebg with SaS with you yet on my main no but the one i watched them total you and degrade you to rezzing out of the cave in av then to have fun pulled the ice daddy out…they all said nobody go on forums and rub it in…There are different mentalities out there. Yours has so far been if you win it’s all forum glory if you lose it’s oh there were only a few of us in there. Now as i said if you feel defeating me in some rando ebg if worth all that glory …shoot higher. I am not a great player I do ok but I defend nodes that’s about it…SaS was even trying to come up with excuses for SPM that one as like oh they must not have many in there or some other stuff…but you did not see it on forums. some talk some do life is always that way

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So you lied earlier when you implied I was unaware of the times you defeated SPM ok :wink:

SPM has defeated SAS every time we see them unless they have 30+ with the exception of one really epic close match. It ended 0-76 for SPM. Every other loss SPM has had to SAS we were clearly out numbered

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this entire argument in my head



Hey now…

Have more faith in yourself!

Well, yeah, when they lose, it’s usually because they were outnumbered.

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More excuses…at anyrate no one really considers SPM a thing…we did at first when you came out all glory with this post …but that turned out to be nothing much really. Nowadays we turn our eyes to communities like GG as worth the time…certainly not SPM . hell I had to tell a community the other day who SPM was. they never heard of SPM.

Oh i usually get the job done but I’m no epic in your face player

0-2 hellokitten. 0-2

Then get some numbers honestly if you put as much effort into getting the team built up as forum banter you’d do well

good lord you are really tin hat deep

good lord i cant eyeroll any harder i already explained it in simple terms google is your friend at this point .

LOL no because neither happened not sorry

you lit were but ok you cant go on 5 words without crying about her and the AA but k

not if it was just her end LOL

Oh I killed you 2 times that’s right you killed me how many times?

You died 12 times last time you fought us

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LMAOOOO :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :dracthyr_nod: :dracthyr_nod: :dracthyr_nod: :dracthyr_hehe_animated: :dracthyr_hehe_animated: :dracthyr_hehe_animated: :joy: :skull_and_crossbones: :skull_and_crossbones:


I mean you versus me…i killed you specifically twice in one av as you stand way way back from the frontline more than any other healer…it was easy when i came around balinda to SHGY to pick you out …as you were like 10 ft further than the other healers

Yeah because you were farming…and?

Are you actually picking a KB contest with a healer? Lol be serious


False. Also shame on you if you got farmed by me and my 12 friends

If an afflic lock can take you down as a great priest healer you’re doing it wrong especially since i’m all defense spec’d. Also i’m kinda not a great player certainly not the top of the barrel anyways

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You’re talking about killing me in a group fight. You do realize that right?

In a bg that you lost and died a bunch