A Vow for Stormpike’s Honor (premade AV)

Oh ok lol maybe you’re just confused? Never have I claimed a loss was a win. I have screenshots of several victories against SAS


I know how we settle this.

A duel between Mizriz and the champion of SaS

It’ll be the intro of Troy


is there anyone else?

Hellokitten you are currently 0-2 against SPM :wink:

I think you do not know all my alts

Sure :wink:


What does that have to do with anything anyways? I am not even a top tier player I play in various communities on 2 accounts. This account was my ex’s he gave to me :slight_smile: . If beating me in a match is you’re claim to fame I would say shoot higher mon amie

You weren’t solo queued

No I am rarely solo except during the day. I have been in ebgs with as little as 2 people to 40. So what is it you are trying to say?

pretty much this like i said internet hiccups

Watch for that blitz while you search for bologna

I have simply stated you come into the forums and post when you are winning and when you lose it’s always that same tired excuse oh we only had a few in there. It’s pointing out facts .

hellkitty is your dh correct ?

Yes but I don’t really play her often …she’s kinda useless atm

ah i was going to say cuz i remember vs a hellkitty in a wintergrasp few days ago lol and i was liek i wonder if this is hellspawn lol

:sob: :sob: :skull: :skull:

Yeah HK is my main as people know me on the est timezone. The aussies know me as Sable as the Main

If you build it, someone will come.

pretty much right

Would you prefer our enemies be allowed the delusion that they defeated a full premade?

Also why would this matter to you? You’ve never beaten us anyway