A Vow for Stormpike’s Honor (premade AV)

^ Yeah, ask Bri.

They know how to do it.

You know how it goes …someone is always trying to cheat the system …not saying that occurred in this case,but it’s inevitable. if you make it someone is going to destroy or manipulate it eventually.

I will be charging 1 billion USD for my services.

Or three hugs.

When I want them, any time, anywhere.

Take it or leave it!


Someone is not always committing a federal crime in order to beat a premade full of wow nerds in a bg. It’s delusional to think that’s what happened just cause someone lagged in a bg


Oh I agree but some just do whatever …I seriously would not put it past some out there. Personally i would just write it off…a lot of stuff happens. Sure it’s coincidental but personally unless it was occurring every single time with the same group I would just write it off.

The truth is out there.

Any David Duchovny lovers in this thread?

I know I am

:hot_face: :hot_face: :hot_face: :hot_face: :hot_face:

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That thumbnail is me when I penance during rapture and get kicked

EDIT: alright fine.

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can you explain the difference between a ddos and a dos? and like i said, if you don’t know the OSI model, you have no business talking about what is and is not an internet hiccup.

she wasn’t getting dc’d

no, im saying that pinging could not show a valid connection to the server if the issue is at a higher layer, making your point invalid, this is why you need to know the OSI model before you start talking network issues.

a bug with predictable behavior based on how far away you are from something? do you really not know what causes that?

just screenshots of the rosters of both teams, we need to cross reference them with Karies game to see who was in both.

sure, not much there without names though:

you keep mixing up ddos and dos.

the AA is its own separate thing, in fact it is a separate bug that connects that game to this one strangely enough.

i wasn’t calling Karie out for this game, yet she still showed up. and just coincidence that one of the same “bugs” that happened in that game happened in this game.

if it is always a coincidence with the same people every time you see them then its not a coincidence. if you think your team is fine, then find the problematic player in your community and kick them.

no, because its so easy i don’t want to give out the instructions.

multiple people would have had the same issue.

Not even Mulder would believe this pungent pile of bologna


Mizriz, every time we stomp you in epics, you come on here and claim that you defeated SAS. you have zero credibility.

Does Fox Mulder have credibility

If they existed maybe…lol

i know what you are going for and yes he his cute, but, if you watched the show, no, he did not have credibility due to his assignment on the x-files

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Somebody say balogna?!?! DJL loves lootin yer balognas!

Please show me where that happened lol


We’ve both defeated and lost to SAS several times this xpac


its not even worth the effort to dig it up because you will just dismiss it, i’ll just wait till we stomp you again.

Hm… okay we need someone else.

Someone… credible…

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:


I guess I’m a sucker for good looks

I do know that whenever you have wins you did come in and tend to let the world know…though when you lose you always say …oh we didn’t have that many in there…it’s a theme

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