A Vow for Stormpike’s Honor (premade AV)

yeah i want to see this magical flying siege hes crying about LOL

i was going to say flying is hm quiet the bold move

i see at least you report them

LMAO YEAH idk that idea he has was hilarious . This lit happens sometimes . i agree its def not someone messing with a wow client its just internet hiccups . Idk if he knows this but you can look up each code and itll tell u what the error code means .

Are you the hunter Hellshot? If so GG for the other night


thats it should i start queuing on my lock then LOL

Yeah that’s one of my many alts yeah gg. My mains are Hellkitty and Hellspawn the rest are just goof off toons when it comes to rbg and ebgs. I’m not sure which community i was rolling with but yeah that’s me :slight_smile:

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and which layer of the OSI model do you think that hiccup occurs in? and why do you think it occurs in that layer? what explains the hiccup of one particular traffic for one user and no others.

DC loop bug has to do with the server not agreeing with the client on your character’s location.

no, she streamed her game to us in discord to show what was going on. if this was a problem with her internet having an hiccup, she would not have been able to go “hey guys, check this out” when her internet does go out, she drops from discord as well.

no, this was more in line with a network session was discovered, dos’d, reset, and upon relogging Cinco had a few seconds to play again until the new session was also discovered and dos’d.

also, as soon as i saw this pattern in behavior Cinco was describing i recognized it and made a prediction about when it would end, had it been anything other than a staged attack or extreme levels of coincidence, that prediction would have failed, but it didn’t, Cinco’s lag ended exactly when i predicted it would.

she could not, ping only shows a partial connection, because its a different protocol than the UDP traffic wow uses it doesn’t operate with the same level of QoS and filtering. its fully possible to have a working ping and no working connection, and if your firewall is properly setup, it should not respond to ping while also allowing connections you do want, resulting in the opposite behavior.

its not a bug, there is a range limitation on data the server send to your client, if you are on the ally boss and they are on your boss, you are out of range of each other, but thats the ends, if you are mid, and i am mid, i can see you just fine.

can’t post them on here because it breaks the rules. besides, obviously not all of GG is hacking, its likely one person, and we need to find that one person.

i’ve carried the AA probably well over 500 times and closer to 1000, never seen that bug. in fact i can confirm the excuse of “if you kill a player it will reset the duration” is outright false because i have killed many AA carriers and stolen their AA and had the remainder of their original 30m left, as in it works the way it is supposed to work.

yes, several i have saved in discord, one of the people involved has even posted in this thread. they will not be posted here because they contain that person’s realID and Cinco’s real name.

i can think of a few off the top of my head, so yes, there are ways and it is possible. next argument?

wow, you must think this is my first bg or something.

oh is that what we are going with now? you have superhuman reflexes? i have pretty fast reflexes, fast enough i have been the world rank one of several music games, if your reflexes are good enough to be faster than the server’s eye, show us some dragonforce.

but apparently you didn’t know that the inferno was not the original spawn location for the AA when ashran was first tested and released as an epic. that was a later update which resulted in the rotation of several ashran maps we have today.

from what he said he used the item restoration process to get some bombs from a quest into the epic instance, that doesn’t really make all that sense as it only works on gear afaik. he hasn’t been able to repeat it.

just number 2.

yes, but it is locked behind the terrible new professions, have you been able to make one yet?

nah, he basically eliminated the game from the game, if he could repeat that, he could have a rogue to straight to the door and instantly kill it, leaving it impossible to defend. even in the closest comparision of a AV Blitz, the other team can recall and wipe you, but if one stealth can break the door and another click the orb, there is nothing you can do.

on top of that its just plan cheating to skip objectives and then claim your time is the same value as people who didn’t. imagine taking a short cut on a race and then saying you were just that fast when beating people who didn’t take a short cut.

you have to look at the overall pattern, everyone knows about the regular bugs and we see them regularly, this is a collection of new bugs and they only ever seem to happen when facing certain teams. if i only hear music when i walk by your house, i assume you have your stereo turned up too loud, not that my headphones are on.

take Karie, i didn’t see them in this IoC game, didn’t say anything about them or the fact that one of the “bugs” i saw was one of the exact same things going on in the game against Karie with the funky AA business, and yet Karie showed up and got defensive, why is that?



Oooooo, it’s Kevin?!

You seem to be missing a key piece of information:

How do they have Cinco’s IP address?


Ah well the majority of premader names we saw were from DJL, but then there was Airbnb and I’m not sure if he plays in both communities

I never did get a number for the horde side premade in that match

IPs are relatively easy to obtain if you know what you are doing, so i won’t explain it here.

Then you should help Cinco hide their IP address, since theirs is somehow easily obtained.

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he does


I don’t think there were too many community players but I leave most of that up to others I just go in and try to survive and defend mostly. That stuff is above my paygrade lol. I do recall that match only because I saw your name and i tried to kill you …to not much avail that game…next time lol

dude no one is ddosing a single player wow dcs at random times all the time , wow itself was being ddosd a few days ago so thats why i asked when this occured because blizzard was getting ddosed themselves .

like i said many bugs r old it isnt always a dc loop bug sorry to burst your tin foil bubble

ive streamed games to my discord friends b4 when my internet has hiccups and sometimes it takes a min to fully dc n come back but everything will still b on . it happens it snot someone ddosing her . What was her error code then ?

nope . it indeed is pretty common . i know when im bout to dc because the exact sceanrio you said happened happens esp in epics .

if she could not ping then its her end . Pings would be able to determine if its blizz servers or her connection by packet loss . theres a reason blizzard support asks u to do ping tests .

it indeed is a bug . its been there since legion it can happen in both av or ioc you can put down the conspiracy theories now .

i highly doubt this , how would it break the rules ? the heck kind of pictures do u have Santa Claus ?

hey thats why sometimes its a bug shocker

you can lit black that info out but alright

go on list them then im waiting

it seems like it tbh , because you keep calling legit bugs that are well known to b ddos attacks lul

you seem unhealthy fixated on this one bug lol

ehhh im leaning more like 1 & 2 since you seem mighty :salt: :salt: :salt: :salt: :salt: :salt:

well first of all it doesnt take a rocket scientist to figure out why ppl defend themselves esp when you make bold accusations with zero proof . I mean pot meet kettle arent you doing the same thing by getting ultra :salt: :salt: :salt: :salt: :salt: :salt: rn ?

he wont answer that because its most likely made up theres no way they would have her ip address lol . for right now unless we see proof to me its all hear say as far as im concerned .

hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm interesting

It sounds like Cinco had a poor connection to this bg server.

Their lag would probably end when they left the bg.

Good luck! If Ruthless doesn’t help you find this person, then you know he’s in on it.


me when epic bg drama


Imagine thinking epic BGs were important enough to ddos someone over

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I live on a campus, I lag out all the time. I feel like someone losing their ip on WoW is unlikely

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Can’t a tech-savvy person like you cover up their names in your screenshots?

Idk how it’s done, so I can’t help you with that.


I can be of assistance.

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