A Vow for Stormpike’s Honor (premade AV)

Also, how would the other team have Cinco’s IP address?


It’s all the same kind of accusations hydra used to make when they lost at full numbers


they wouldnt have its poss her internet having a bad day . It also depends when this was occuring because a few days ago Blizzard was getting hard ddosed , liek i couldnt play d4 , i could only overwatch , it wouldn’t let me log into wow .

there are many factors , it could be old addons interfering with the game . yes that indeed happens which is why sometimes you have to reset ui and fix all your addons .

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in particular i think the attacker used a singular DOS attack against Cinco, what they did was reset her wow session directly. this would be doable by crafting packets on wow’s ports specifically and avoiding other traffic ports. this would explain why Cinco was able to stay online in discord and even stream her game client to us during the experience. had it been a distributed denial attack or even bad internet, she would not have been able to talk or stream.

additionally there is the aspect of Cinco reconnected and started playing only to see her in game latency shoot up and people run in place. this is not the normal DC loop you get from gliding or mind control, that causes you to DC from the game immediately and we are all familiar with that and how to fix it.

and finally, there is the fact that as soon as the game was done, Cinco’s game connection returned to normal.

AUS is 230 MS away, not 2000. additionally nobody else was reporting high latency like that. addon lag sure, but that’s a separate thing from networking.


of course not, a single bug is a single bug. but when all of a sudden everything starts going wrong at once, and it only ever seems to happen like that when facing a full ally premade, you know something is fishy. where are the games where we have this problem while winning? or facing partials? this is why im still hesitant on the addon lag in particular. we do see that one while winning. but i know what causes it, and…

yes i know, we had someone from GG come hang out and ask a lot of questions about the addon, its code and how it works under the hood.

nope, this was IoC, and i know about outranging the data log, once you do that the map stops getting updates and you see people at their last known location to you.

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The AV map bug is pretty well known and has been around for years. It shows all Alliance stacked around Bal all game no matter where they actually are.

There is a lag bug specific to Ashran too. Something to do with Oceanic routing which sometimes makes US or Oceanic players lag out like crazy if the map is hosted on your non-native server. I get it a fair bit because I’m Oceanic and almost all Ashrans are US ping but sometimes it’s the other way around and I can climb to 4k+ MS, can’t cast a single ability and spend the whole match at the GY ressing but never getting ressed.

It has something to do with the first teamfight because I don’t prior to that usually but then can’t play after it and as soon as the Ashran is over I go back to 20ms world. It’s not DDoS, it’s just bad routing and servers dropping packets.

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when you win legit you don’t see me running to the forums to cry foul and you know this as you guys won one earlier this week, only when things are so monumentally off as they were in this particular game earlier.

i have screenshots, in fact im waiting for Ruthless to get back from whereever he has been lately so i can give him a list of names to narrow down who the hacker is.

no, i mean making our addons show the wrong information. this exact same bug was used in the exact same manor in the game against Karie that was also “strange” in that she magically didn’t drop the AA after 30 minutes without using any drop tricks.

beating up Conno doesn’t count, he’s not hardcore and just like to play for fun you meanie.

obviously this is hyberbole as if i really complained about my losses i would be here every other day with some new accusation of cheating, when in reality i can think of exactly 4 occasions, Alec’s exploit of WG-Atk, Alphon’s disappearing flags/flying siege, Karie’s carry of the AA, and this IoC game.

understand that i would even be willing to buy Alec and Alphon’s exploitation as simply deep deep mastery of the game, but the stuff that has been going on lately, the hacking, doxxing and stalking of Cinco, that’s beyond the game and even our normal forum drama.

first of all theres been many times when my internet has a hiccup and im still able to stream or talk in discord and stuff while it dcs me from the game .

Wow has many bugs that r old that will lit dc you for no reason in bgs its happned to me often .

you said she was streaming during this time then what day was it exactly ? Because blizz was heavily ddossed not to long ago , for two days straight . It should show on her stream what wow error was popping up .

this is a pretty normal thing that happens when your internet has a hiccup . This exact scenario has happened to me many many many times esp recently . I have good internet but even sometimes it has its bad days .

then that usually means it was on her end .
she could have done a ping test to the blizz servers . Fyi they took away looking glass this article now covers the new way to do so https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/7871

its been a bug in ioc for yrs ive had it happen to me many times in legion lol

omg cringe

post them imgur it then you dont need to wait for ruth if u got pics rn post it .

You better watch out
You better not cry
You better not pout
I’m telling you why, Inemia is coming to town
He’s making a list
He’s checking it twice
He’s going to find out
Who’s naughty and nice, Inemia is coming to town

He sees you when you’re sleeping
He knows when you’re awake
He knows when you’ve been bad or good
So be good for goodness sake

this isnt even possible, unless they themselves made said addon . LOL whatever you r on it must be a good one . :skull: :sob:

zomg ur still mad about that ? AA bugs out sometimes ive seen it happen even without any gg members on my team .

idk there was “hardcore” for epics lul

this is a maybe not sure

he doesnt cheat ive known him since legion and wed vs eachother in wpvp all the time . hes def not a cheater . Flying siege ? wat you got video of this ?

this is a ingame bug it happens

what are you even on about ? do you have ss proof of these things ?

There is literally no way on this game to inject into another person’s client, in real time, any form of arbitrary code execution that would allow you to fool another player’s addon into feeding wrong information. The most I’ve -ever- seen an addon do that even remotely was sus like that, was ElvUI where the addon developer would sometimes join groups and have people automatically follow him to do a /hail emote at him.

The addons all use the Blizzard LUA, and functionality of the format you’re claiming to have witnessed would be impossible for that code to be ran on this game’s addon API. What you are probably seeing is what happens when the enemy OR your teammate is out of view distance (and this is very easy to achieve especially on every single epic battleground map despite the game rendering enemy mobs at a larger distance on these maps). If you have Hunters, you should be using their toolkit for humanoid tracking and Eagle Eye chaining to cover large distances like the class fantasy allows them to accomplish, as they will have the easiest method of updating the location of teammates on their zone map. Same goes for Shamans with Far Sight.

As for the Artifact, you assume I didn’t drop it and pick it back up. If you pick it up fast enough there is no announcement in chat, and it’s what I did in the first place; I’m unsure why you think that there’s some other way to reset the cd on it that wouldn’t accomplish the same functionality. It’s super easy to leave a teamfight like a healer going for a drink and reset it if needed. Anyone can do it to reset the cooldown, obviously that includes people that die to the enemy team with it. I fully expect teams that I fight to learn and use this against me, up to and including hiding it in base just to ensure I cannot obtain it for any reason.

I played the first Epic BG Ashran playtest with the devs that updated Ashran for the Epic BG format, and in that game 2 AAs ended up spawned due to 2 different Inferno deaths as well as changed hands across the two teams multiple times in a row. Now, obviously, the Inferno’s respawn timer is more than 30 minutes, and the devs know that. They’ve known from the beginning about this quirky interaction with the AA from a result of that playtest, and based on their refusal to change it after that first playtest, it’s easy to assume (until otherwise directly contradicted by a dev) that this is an intended interaction.

In the future, don’t allow the AA holder to die unless it’s the brawl, as that one is hard-coded to not reset the CD by way of the duration not being tied to the Ancient Inferno’s respawn timer like the Epic one, which is also hardcapped to only allow 2 active at any given time maximum.


Lmao it’s Hackerman! brute forcing their way into the mainframe to win Epic Battlegrounds in World of Warcraft in 2023 and he’s picked you in particular to target ahahahahahaha.

Is this legit exploiting or is it like that time people said he was hacking the walls down in WG-Attack because he told the demo drivers to sit back and hit the walls and final gate from over the outside wall before pushing in?

She’s referring to when I used bombs that did siege damage to do siege damage to the final wall.

They claim I was exploiting because…

  1. This was done against SAS specifically lol.
  2. The bombs don’t originate from Wintergrasp.

I dont think I was exploiting because I believe that you don’t have to only use items that originate from a BG in that BG.

Like, Dragonflight LITERALLY added a bomb that does siege damage, which I assume really only has a use in epic BGs, so Blizz clearly doesn’t share the view that you can’t use outside items.

You can make your own opinion on the matter I guess.


Okay that’s the dumbest thing I’ve heard all day.

First, the final wall has like 100HP. Using bombs or not using bombs wasn’t going to change the outcome of the game. If any team hits the final wall it’s game over in like 10 seconds.

Second, that logic is flawed. If using something obtained outside a BG, inside a BG is “exploiting” then so is wearing gear or gemming gear or using enchants or health pots etc.

FWIW Healthstones fit their description of “exploiting” because they don’t originate from the BG, they give a huge advantage and they can be used in situations where others can’t. Are we going to start claiming any team that queues with a Warlock is exploiting now?

SAS crybabies sure do make for interesting forum content, I’ll give them that at least.

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I skipped the first two walls by scaling the sides, so technically we weren’t “on” the final wall with demos.

We were going for the world record! 2 minutes, 22 seconds victory!

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Sounds a bit like AV Blitz.

An argument could be made that the bosses aren’t meant to be engaged while towers/bunkers are up and that bypassing them is “exploitative” behavior but at the end of the day you win by killing the boss or running the enemy out of resourced and anything and everything that makes that happen is intended gameplay.

Just like in WG how the objective on attack is to click the final orb thing and anything that makes that happen is intended behaviour. Vehicles, bombs, whatever works.

Also like Ashran where tanks can now solo the guardians and bosses if the enemy team doesn’t defend them. Some would argue that a Guardian or DK slipping in around the back of the base and running in the boss room to solo the boss is “exploitative” but at the end of the day the objective is the same as AV, kill the boss or run the enemy out of resources and if that means 1 guy solo’s the boss while the rest of the team keep the enemy busy then that’s a solid strat and solid W.

They’re probably used to immediately rolling over the other team. It doesn’t get laggy because the other team is already dead.

How do they have Cinco’s IP address?

One win? Fine. It happens.

Two wins? HAX!!!


Which addons?


That’s wrong. Nobody should do that.


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I mean to be fair that’s exactly what it is. :dracthyr_shrug:

I know a lot about the game and how certain mechanics interact with other mechanics. I haven’t been following this thread, but I read somewhere that you thought it was fishy that Cinco was lagging very badly in a game and because of that thought someone was ddosing her. I don’t think someone is doing that just over a battleground, and it can be chalked down to very bad luck. I encounter it all the time. Take for instance whenever I’m bountied in WPvP. The only way I die 90% of the time is because of a disconnect, the other 10% is just because I messed up or there’s way too many people to fight.

Example -

Here I am bountied and disconnected 3 times back to back. A bit fishy that it only happened when I was bountied, but at the end of the day it’s just very bad luck. It’s not someone magically screwing with my WoW client through the use of packet manipulation. Sometimes crap like this happens, and you just gotta deal with it.

:skull: Nah to be fair, I definitely exploit from time to time. Certain things I did can be considered exploiting, specifically Isle of Conquest shenanigans. To this day I don’t know where they got “flying” siege engine from, it wasn’t flying, just invisible. I’ve caused flags to disappear entirely from Isle of Conquest too, but that on its own doesn’t give anyone the advantage, it just gets rid of the flags for everyone. No one gets the base. :dracthyr_shrug:

Also, these were done against Alliance, not against Horde. They were done to RUIN in Isle of Conquest, because it’s either that or a pug suffers 2-3 hours of being camped at the graveyard.

It’s worth noting though that these specific examples were reported to Blizzard in an email before they were even done though. That’s why I never caught any suspensions/bans for it, because I reported them in an email beforehand.

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Maybe they saw the siege engine’s projectiles falling down from the sky, so they assumed you were raining down damage from above.

Wouldn’t you first have to do them to see if they work?

Then by that logic, every siege engine is flying because their projectiles fall from the sky. :rofl:

Also if it was flying they’d be able to atleast target it and see if it was or not. I’m still confused about it.

Sorry, I should be more clear. When I say they were reported in an email to Blizzard “before they were even done” I mean in the context of it being used on a large scale, such as against RUIN or something. Obviously, before any bug is found, it must first be used to to see if they worked.

Poor wording on my part I guess. :dracthyr_shrug:

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Maybe they thought you were super high in the sky. Idk. Just imagining a semi-possible explanation.

Ah, I see.

./cast Eat Popcorn
./cast Sit back enjoy the show

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this is what usually happens esp with them camping gy nonstop . idrc who says they dont they do ,iv eleit seen it first hand lol .

they literally dont

right how dare ppl win against sas the distress

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