A Vow for Stormpike’s Honor (premade AV)

I can feel the winds gathering speed and lightning flashes in the distance

Oh lol we only had a small group in that one. And next match we destroyed a 15 person SAS premade. So it seems when the numbers are even in each group we do just fine

Two mondays ago we went 1-1 against SAS then we defeated DJL last Monday


Dear Folks,

Okay I will permit forming premade for all players this weekend so you guys, particularly pro premade people, can go at each other and release your pvp fury.

Mr Munz,

I hope you aren’t running with GG this weekend, as we just caught them cheating, actual for real cheating, specifically addon channel manipulation, DoSing, and multiboxing. I would hate to lose my respect for you because you guys let someone on your team do that.


Dear Ms Inemia,

Thank you addressing your concern. You have my 100% insurance that I never group with GG and SPM, and I don’t know anyone of them.

Also, you have my insurance that I am not coming for you guys because my 10.1 final PvP boss is Sweet Cherry Torturekilla. Recently (or some time ago), I finally managed to plant a spy in their community. All I am waiting is when Alliance merc npc pops out, I will go for her and her DJL.

However, when 10.2 comes, you know it is you guys’ turn. Therefore, I need to apologize to you in advance for your impending doom in the near future…

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We’ve suspected this as well. Any more info?

Bring it cupcake. Edited to say that there isn’t anything to actually spy on…those days are long over. Nobody cares anymore. Except Gools. He cares.

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well here is what we observed:

the map would show the location of players not where they are. this is different from outranging the map, but you would go to a location where your team is, only to find the ally team instead and none of your teammates, not like they wiped them either, the map was showing players where they were not. and this was not just REPorter, the default map (M) was also showing players in the wrong locations.

our team leader Cinco was DoS’d during the match, her latency was pushed up to over 2k and stayed that way for the game, after the game ended, her latency returned to normal.

we had multiple players on our team that just seemed to be auto attacking players on the ally team like bots, and if players went to help and do a 2v1, the 1 horde that was there would stop and just stand there and not help or participate.

in addition to this were a few other bugs that im looking at, but may just be bugs. the odd part is how some of these bugs only show when facing certain teams


:::throws flag, tweets whistle:::


:::picks up flag, waves to continue:::

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That happens sometimes.

Does Cinco have a bad internet connection?

I’ve seen Cinco DC against SPM. I thought they were going to get booted out of the bg, but they managed to reconnect in time.


They were having a great duel and then y’all interrupted them?

Tsk tsk.

'Tis not sporting to turn a 1v1 into a 2v1.

We’ve had the lag and dc’s fighting some of them. And obv we don’t have it any other time.

This is crazy levels of confirmation bias and tinfoil hattery.

Until you’ve actually been flat-out ddosed in the middle of an RBG by someone like Bailamos, you can’t use ‘I was ddosed’ as an excuse.

When you get ddosed you won’t be able to do -anything-. Your game will flat-out disconnect you after 30 seconds and you won’t be able to log back in until the denial of service is either mitigated by your ISP or the attacker stops hitting you offline. If you’re still able to move around ingame, see others move around, or are able to use discord on the same PC then you’re not getting ddosed, you’re just lagging. Keep in mind it’s been storming in the States for a while, and storms -can- have an effect on connections, especially in areas where datacenters are hosted regardless of if you yourself are in proximity to them or not.

I played RBGs at the high end in MOP and WOD, as well as Legion when these things were extremely commonplace. I’m telling you right now, cut it out. Don’t blame the myriad of bugs this game has on other players, especially when 2k MS can easily be caused by a Frostmourne player being the first one into the game and the serverhost for the map being Oceanic as a result.

Also, you can’t realistically multibox anymore in the first place. None of the premaders in any community do that, I can guarantee it.

As for addon channel manipulation, I honestly am just boggled at this point. The addon that I know GG uses is one that Meso made to call out when the groups are 5/5, ready or not ready, and when they queue as well as the average wait time and when the battleground pops. All of which are perfectly within the confines of the TOS as they are not automatically synchronizing the queues, that’s all done manually.


the map would show the location of players not where they are. this is different from outranging the map, but you would go to a location where your team is, only to find the ally team instead and none of your teammates, not like they wiped them either, the map was showing players where they were not. and this was not just REPorter, the default map (M) was also showing players in the wrong locations.

If you’re talking about AV, this has been a bug for years. On Alliance side it shows everyone clumped up next to Balinda for the entire match. It’s not a hack lol


I chuckle at the tinfoilhattery (which tends to happen when the “victims” also happened to not play well or in a coordinated way). And I’ve seen lag of toy/pet exploits, which just lags everyone. But I’ve been in games when others, and myself, have been individually locked down and DC’d like you describe.

But multiboxing is not impossible or a violation. The addons that were used to automatically play alternate accounts in the same instance are, but not having multiple toons in the same instance. I’ve seen it – only 2 or 3 alts, but they can do it.


this made me LOL tbh

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its prob your fps dropping in games and or bad internet spikes it happens . Even i get fps drops sometimes esp in ioc hang fight where everyone clumps up fighting spamming aoes and i have a good pc and good internet .

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Foo multiboxing is not allowed in instanced pvp, it is allowed in wpvp.

And Karie, me and a few DJL have had that happen. Game just in a dc loop until the match ends. And it’s always against the same folks. And none of us play on a potato.

Oh I was in that game! Yea you guys got rocked. Lol GG


Dear Ms. Inemia,

It’s hard to fathom how you are spewing so much boosheet over the losses…even without a single shred of evidence! Screenshots or it didn’t happen. Hm, please enlighten me on this “addon channel manipulation”. Like, are you saying that we have been abusing Meso’s addon or something?? DDosing? Orly? Come on, you can’t be totally serious about that lol… :woman_facepalming:
Look, if you were in GG then you would have seen our members saying how they had mad lags when it comes to the big teamfights and even had some unfort DCs here and there on any given day but that doesn’t really mean anything because well, things do happen…right? In a perfect world, no lags or dcs would have ever existed in WoW and you would NOT even know what DDoS is.
Multiboxing? Do you maybe want to name who?? To my knowledge, no one has come forward to claim the multiboxer status as of today, sadly…that’s unless you’re talking about Thaesus who happens to be some WoW nerd that likes to run on 4-5 accounts which I don’t consider is a legit multiboxer just because that’s not how he run it.

I shall take a stab at your sloppy observation on the map thing - it will often show players in some sus location when they are actually not at that said location, it’s just one of 384020103 well known bugs that has been stuck in the game for as long as I can remember so it’s pretty unfortunate how you used this specific bug to slander GG just like that. :roll_eyes:

To be honest, I have yet to understand why you had the bawls to call out other fellow GGers who had led our games in the past but little do you know that I have been leading as well which granted us a good number of victories over SAS on a numerous of occasions including the most recent matches so come at me bro…and not them.

What’s more mindboggling is that SAS is actually the longest standing community with more members (especially on healers) compared to GG’s …and knowing that you guys have been using the LFG system lately to round up 4-5 raid groups or whatever while using disc for the ballgames…but us? We do not either of those things which means you should have the better advantage over us, no questions asked.
GG do tend to run 3-4 party groups at best with no disc included and yet you complain for every loss you cause…all for what??? Do you always throw a fit like that in a losing soccer match and say oh they had better running shoes or that they had stronger legs than my team did? That being said, all of our games were 100% fair plays and always will be. It is what it is.
Dude, just man up and take the L and…better yet, move on. :woman_shrugging:


I run with GG and there are no hacks or DDOS going on lol. People just group up or solo queue and try to get in same game. There no coordination on voice even unlike others apparently do.

I wasn’t on tonight but I am almost certain they were just playing normally.