A Vow for Stormpike’s Honor (premade AV)

Gets boring vs opponents that just fold.

Yeah, SAS is fine with mercing. They laugh about it. Whenever I’m in the mood to be in a PvP community SAS is the one I join for a while. They’ll even call out mercs when they see them for special attention..

Apology accepted …thank you!

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Most Horde teams don’t fold. Just merc and mess around.

Yeah I guess last night they were bored or something and a bunch went mercing and the others stayed from what I gathered it was just having fun keeping things fresh as usual… Cinco tries her best to keep it from getting mundane and gets new things going like the RBGS and Other than Epics night etc. Yes when we are rolling if one of our member mercs we have some fun as if to say…this is what you get lol its more of fun than anything (at least that’s what I get from it)

Yes this is my main, and No, it was in a whisper. I was solo queing Ashran and I had whispered you because I hadn’t heard about your premade before, and I said something nice like “I love seeing other Premades!” and you whispered me back inviting me to your community. I said I was already with SAS and you said "we love sas here :slight_smile: "

I have no beef with you because you’ve never done anything to slight me personally, but it seemed like you were insulting our healers and we’ve got some really good heals in sas.

Communities aren’t guilds. I’m pretty sure you can be in as many as you want (up to 50). No reason to be exclusive lol


The forests themselves shiver as Lord Ivus decimates the horde with mighty bolts of lightning

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I was gonna say, doesn’t this go against their whole name?

Then I realized their name can be read two different ways.

  • People who savagely slay the Alliance.
  • Alliance who savagely slay people.



That’s exactly what someone would say if they were in the communities and they’re trying to avoid getting kicked!



  :point_right: :point_left:

I measure a person by how they react to waitresses/waiters, grocery carts, premade raids, sushi, and vaccines.

I just realized I’ll probably never be on your team, because there are far fewer spots available for pugs.



If only there was a way to get more competitive games against pugs.

If only there was a way for two premade raids to war game each other.


It’s important to shroud at SR to help keep your team safe.

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Seems like we are the real savage Alliance slayers.

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I love sushi, Tip 30% generally depending on service, always put my grocery cart in the bin, premade i treat as premade not much to say there other than I’d rather face an opposing premade if I’m in a premade, Vaccines I don’t do

Are you all even running anymore?

I wasn’t insulting anyone’s healers. We’ve tried to love SAS, but there’s only so many times you can turn the other cheek so to speak. I’ve asked my community to be polite to them until they give us reason to do otherwise.

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It’s fun watching these different horde communities having spats.

Always has been their thing. Too much ego to accomplish much.


Back in the day SPM watched the horde premaders split themselves right down the middle. Then we beat both sides while recruiting from them

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Thank God for Stormpike Militia coming in to save the day for you guys…as far as our community there’s no issue …except we are getting bored and have to merc to present a challenge to our people. Stormpike Militia will change that when they play right…so I’m grateful for them





You’re dead to me.

Ah well 4/5 ain’t bad

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That’s because 99% of the time you’re facing alliance pugs lol.

well i get all excited hearing big names on the start up but then find out they dropped