There’s no point having premade v premade fights when most of the time, a) queues are split or b) one side is stacking certain classes or stacking 10+ healers.
That’s why we shifted to smaller 5-10 max groups. Much more effective and more fair to other team and there just isn’t any interest in dredging up 40 people on our side, at least until 10.1
Most people already have their gear and take breaks or work on alts till new content drops.
I have yet to see us stacking any class…I ask and get the same answer…play whatever makes you happy. So stacking classes isn’t a thing I assure you.
Last time I fought SAS, you had 12 healers and 10 marks hunters in the bg with you, all names I recognized+boomkins/destros and rets.
Queued 5 of us last night and got a wintergrasp O against a full Horde premade that had 13 healers and 14 rets.
Alliance had 2 healers lol
that may be …however if you recognized the names it’s more than likely because that’s the class they play normally…me I change classes almost every bg on alts just to get the alts some conquest. I promise you there has never been a EBG where anyone said we need more of this class or that class. It just doesn’t happen
May be, I just find it a suspicious coincidence that it’s always the same class stacking every bg when we see premades.
we have a lot of solid heals and some good hunters but yeah its luck of the draw mon amie i promise never has there been a thing where we stack healers its just luck of the pop
But in all honesty most of us if not all want you alliance to get your groups together and come play…nobody ever says oh yeah we beat pugs it was glorious…Get your stuff together it’s all in good fun. Even the banter is just to get each other riled up so we look for each other on the field.
Have you ever seen this YouTube channel called “Cart Narc”? People who don’t put their carts back get enraged at him.
I think I’ve seen similar videos lol but I’ll look it up…i just put mine back cause I wouldn’t want a cart hitting my vehicle though it’s an armored lifted jeep wrangler for off-roading…still I just try to respect others vehicles lol
Omg that’s too funny…that cart narc…they expend so much more energy getting pissed than if they just put the cart back lmao
Ruthless is the one who stacks his groups . Only hunters and Pally’s !!
SAS never stacks classes . The leaders don’t even know who are all in the different groups . They don’t work like how Ruin used to do it with Arch gathering 40 ppl then dividing them up in groups of 5 with healers.
Only time I ever heard of SAS stacking classes was for a war game versus Alec. Who got soundly beaten BTW .
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Coincidentally I traded in a modified Jeep for my Gen2 Raptor, which I also promptly modified. There’s nothing at cart level that can hurt it but I still I get pissed when I find a cart next to it. Sometimes I think people do that just because they hate Raptors. My daughters have a not-very-nice nickname for Raptors and the people who drive them. When I commented to them about how aggressive other drivers are since I got the truck they told me I should have expected it. I just like the truck, my favorite expression while driving is “Raptor Don’t Care”.
Someone has done the right and goodly thing and reported krienn the fool for his shenanigans
He’s been perma banned from the forums and shall never post here henceforth
lol I like Raptors but I don’t think that’s why they leave their carts there. .it’s just laziness
Yeah I don’t know about ruthless and his practices but we never stack anything except like I said rbgs and well of course a war game …but I was not in the last war game I did see the video which Meso made which was cool.
They’re beautiful trucks. I drove nothing but Jeeps for decades hoping they’d bring back the Jeep truck. I needed a truck and the only thing even close to a Jeep truck was a Raptor. After I bought the Raptor they came out with the Jeep truck. But I’ve invested so much in modifications I can’t justify parting with it.
First you summon a tree…now getting a person banned …you certainly are on a roll. Now if you could get a team together and actually defend Stormpike that would be even cooler!
For real?!
Maybe you can file an amicus brief on his behalf?
Or maybe he can ask a certain warlock-who-shall-not-be-named for advice? I think they somehow managed to shorten their 100-year sentence.
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