A Vow for Stormpike’s Honor (premade AV)

WSG?? I rarely do reg bgs, I don’t care for em. I am rarely top dmg as I am part of the spec ops team and rarely with the push team.

I was talking about Zeela…

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Oh. 10 chars…

What does this team do? It sounds cool.

Recap, defend, back cap stuff I guess. The unsung heros. And vehicle drivers, those poor souls.

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On ungeared toons, I’m happy when I can jump into a vehicle so I’m not dragging down my team.


Back cap, sit bases, turn in items, escort npcs, etc. What Deso said.

These players talk big about supporting premade raids and they profess their love for premade vs. premade combat.

Yet, when they face a bigger or better premade, they don’t stay and fight. They abandon ship.

Horde POV:



We only know one person from Dentarg :stuck_out_tongue: And DJL just won one with two healers. :smiley:

I don’t know who is in which premade community.

But if these players are gonna talk in the forum about the wonders of premade raiding and fighting other premades, you’d think they’d stay and fight to the end.

Agreed. My community fights to the end even if we lose. We never give up.


Honestly it’s disgusting and disappointing

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I enjoy wiping what’s left of you off my character, etc, etc. A farming efficacy that rivals asian swine farms. And when I’m done desecrating the miserable pile of self you call a character, I will personally deliver your pigheaded-tail to the Warchief, as a gift of providence.

Your self proclaimed warchief AFKed out of the match as well

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Thrall was there?

Self proclaimed Rombell

Whelp no idea who that is, but they sound weird.

Maybe it was garosh

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Scalping your enemy is an ancient ritual my people use to honor our ancestors. Would you like to buy a bolo tie?


I appreciate counting coup. Many Alliance scalps line my walls, many priest skulls line my throne, all rightfully and traditionally marked labeled sorted and thrown.

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There’s no worse disgrace for a premade

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