why would someone supposedly who is ESL use words and phrases of an english native speaker from america?
Good to see that the members of bsg have come out in force to talk smack on the forums…
How about you guys make a disc like the sas disc where there are no mods and you guys can talk crap all day to each other?
i am sure cinco would do it this time and not nuke it jajajajaajaja after all she love the toxicity she even mess up sas to join toxicity
we have our own discord, and what we discuss is wow and post pictures of cats. you have “the neutral discord” where you get together with all the other communities and obsess over BSG and how you can “get us” and do stuff like pick targets to try and cyberbully.
we are not the same.
because i learning word i try type it it hard to type but i try so you understand better ok jajajaja
what discord this you sound mad you not invite to that discord
This “neutral discord” that you talk about, dont care and dont want anything to do with bsg at all.
then why do my spies keep sending me screenshots of you talking about us?
link some recent SS of the “neutral disc” talkin about you guys. Dont link some ss from 2 months ago.
they are full of themeselve is that word idk but i think i try say yea i no think people care about them as much as they think yea but they pareanoid if that how spell it about some guy name meso ? idk what it mean but they seem scare of him or what ever it is
Do you think the lion cares what the zebras say about them? Or the wolf about the deer? Or the Orca about the seal?..etc., etc., etc.
Apex preditor my fanny. You’re a fragile little snowflake who needs his ego constantly stroked.
Also, no one is talking smack about you. You’re the main charactor of your own fan fiction. Get over yourself.
It’s sad. You’re sad.
Semantics are a universal language. You either get it or you don’t.
no, they aren’t forum appropriate.
Im goin to be making a disc here soon. its goin to be a disc where there is no mods and it will be the wild west of crap talking/posts. all are welcome even the bsg fanboys
Don’t forget you already showed up in the FFA discord bragging and talking a lot. It only took me a few minutes to put you in your place and you were done.
So, chill.
what you on about i no understand what word accuzatation i think
eh, i think a neutral discord is a good idea, but the problem is moderators are never neutral.
It’s goin to be neutral. anything goes. you’re goin to see
im sure you will try, but i don’t think it will work out.
All I see you doing in this game is q’ing Epics 24/7. All the times I q’d into you, either you afk’d out or hid in a corner.
When it comes to the Forums, everything you say is blend and not very bright.
Seems like everyone ignores you. Even the pugs.