That wargame ego has a THICK veil over your eyes huh
No i see a team full of meta bg specs and 11 healers all in discord all max ilvl
And then i see our team with like 4 healers and half melee.
You don’t need to be dr fate to see how that one is going to end.
People in bsg seem to want to so aggressively view people as below them and then assume the right to run them over. Which reaks of sociopathic tendencies in other parts of life.
It’s power trippy and weird.
Just like plum and his “predator and prey” mindset I could take that somewhere incredibly toxic but I won’t.
Nothing false on what I said. It’s honestly a very good comparison on whats going on in the epic bg world. It’s all natural instincts, basic biology, inborn impulse. BSG is at the top of the food chain. Horde communities are at the bottom. Do the math.
These people complain about toxicity, yet if you look at their posts, they be bragging about “slaying alliance all day”, “these horde pug team ain’t nothing” and so forth. Then they talk ill of others who do it to them. What a circus.
hence why im asking for a definition of “toxic”. the (psychological) term comes from therapy and has no concrete definition because what is toxic to me is not toxic to you, and your therapist is working to solve your issues personally, so if something is negative and triggering you, your therapist would say that is toxic for you. but that doesn’t mean it is toxic to everyone, or even anyone else but you.
But you don’t get why I made that analogy. The concern is, other communities talk falsely about BSG, because that is all they can do, they can’t win in game. Hence, the prey will either run and bark or fight the predator to the death. Fight or flight instincts.
BSG is the Apex Predator. That is fact and has been demonstrated over and over even the last two war games.
that is because you guy wait until you guy have advantage first you do anything to win. no no do wargame when season start you say no jajajaja but everyone in green gear all 476 equal yea jajaja but no that too scary you turn down wargame and then wait until you have gear stuff.
yeah ok jajajajaajaj you can change name but it still there sad