A Vow for Stormpike’s Honor (premade AV)

lol u dnt have a moustache much disappoint

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right lol

/10 wordssssssssssss

i mean are you surprised LOL

ok swolechadx whatever you say bro :roll_eyes:

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Apparently you CAN spin it any way you want. Thus far you have us 2 great examples of doing just that.

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It’s weird and kinda sad you’d think that. SPM players are always hyped for wargames


i do need to point out that at no point has SPM ever put a horde premade in the cave like that. the fact that we can push you back to even attempt it while you can’t win a single teamfight is why we aren’t wargaming you. you don’t have any special ace up your sleeve and there is no reason to assume any outcome other than your team being slaughtered.

Yeah, because they’re not like your premade.

Imagine thinking cave farming the other team is a good thing.

You guys aren’t war gaming SPM because you’re worried about losing when teams are even. It’s pretty obvious with all the lame excuses you’re coming up with.


You didn’t put us in the cave despite your novice attempts at it. Winning a team fight is nothing special

SPM isn’t interested in cave farming. We have absolutely crushed horde premades to the point they don’t win any team fights against us. We’ve put up scores of 680 and 690 against horde premades. BSG has never done that to SPM however much y’all wish you could :wink:


im already well aware of your stealth team and strats, its why you lose when im there.

You only seem to be there when the team is full. I’m guessing you quietly decline pops that aren’t full to protect that win rate you’re always mentioning.

You’d have lost to us the first game Monday if you’d been in there just like the rest of your team did


aw yes, your excuse is that you only lose because we outnumber you despite it being 34 vs 34.

Nine out of 10 wins you’ve had against us were because you nearly doubled our number and you know it

If that’s not true, you can prove it in war games

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how did we get 80 people into a 40 man team?

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Stop being dense. You know very well I’m referring to numbers brought to the match by each premade

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^   ^   ^ This.


im not being dense, there isn’t a numbers advantage and you know it, you want to act like it was 40 v 8 when in reality it was 34 vs 32.

pretty sure they did that to hydra if i remember theres plenty times SPM has beaten hydra but i forgot your new around these parts . :purple_heart: :blue_heart: :purple_heart:

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When 20 people are following one Strat caller on one side and 40 people are following one Strat caller on the other side that is an advantage. Denying it is like denying the sun is hot


thats a problem you need to sort out with your leadership style, not my problem.