A Vow for Stormpike’s Honor (premade AV)

I agree with you Chaos… WTF is he doing on Horde talking about helping Alliance… Is he mad cause he couldn’t beat me in that Ashran 1v1 when i stood above his disgusting dead corpse ??

I think you’re just jealous she has more HKs than you.

Lol…Everytime i’ve faced you guys, torture team flops over like a fish. so :man_shrugging: :man_shrugging: :man_facepalming: let me know when you guys actually beat a good ally team, not pugs

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Well I actually pvp, not farm randoms in a cave and then collapse when faced with actual opposition so I suppose that would explain why she’s so bad at the game.


“Go look at the video of us farming 179 rage quits in one AV!”
-- Sweet old lady


Fraamsley my good butler. Now that your mad rant is over will you kindly answer the door

I never called you trash I simply pointed out the very obvious truth you are trash XD and you just proved me right thanks :slight_smile:

Do you really want to start this up again after I won our last conversation through basic logic and reason Aredea? I am giving you a way out right now. I am trying to help you. Not hurt you.

That’s what I thought…

Frenemy it is

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lol you are a sad little child aren’t ya XD you didn’t win anything some people have this weird little thing called a life haha go cry to someone that cares because you are just making yourself look pathetic at this point smh

you waited 2 minutes haha sad

  1. By definition of you posting on these forums, you do not have a life so smh to you too. Again.
  2. Your reasoning is so off. You make statements and don’t back it up with logic like I do kid lol no cap.
  3. I already waited for you to respond and you didn’t which means I won this conversation.
  4. You are a part of this premade aren’t you? Why else are you so adamant and toxic? Typical premade reasoning.

Next time, learn from me and use logic to defeat me like I defeat you and stop being so toxic numnuts.

Just posted, waited some time and no response again. I’ll give you a bit more time this time to think of something smarter to say than you just did. I’m really trying to help you out here because you need it. You see Aredea, you don’t know it but you need a crutch as evidenced by you playing a Druid. So I am giving you one. You are welcome.

are you still going? sad…

What is 2 + 2 Aredea?

Okay. 1 + 1. Take your time. Don’t act like you are above this.

And this is why I left alliance long ago. Petty, butthurt lil things that love to argue.

At least I don’t hide behind druids Turtoise Killer…

I don’t hide behind anyone. I’m often the hunter up in everyone’s face shooting ally in the rear point blank as they run on the push.