A Vow for Stormpike’s Honor (premade AV)

Apparently talking about this has upset the mods, and they sent me my first ever spicy content warning I’ve ever received on any social media and couldnt even say what they didn’t like about it. Not that I’d expect it from EA… I mean ABK


Same. They removed my post

Anyway Oilers I came back for some fun games. See you in AV my dear old enemy

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Hope to see you there but I always thought of you as a compitive friend :heart: hope that doesn’t change things

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wth? No one even said anything bad.


My best guess is they thought in game names were mistaken as irl names

It’s rough out there for pugs.

(A different) Alliance premade raid farming HKs near the Horde’s starting cave.

I thought it was Horde that committed these atrocities this Stormpike Militia had to put a stop to? I don’t understand the appeal to farming pugs. It’s not like queue times are that long, go next game.

Must be rough being a melee dps class wanting to join premades. Unless you are a rogue or DK, none of these try-hard groups want you. It’s all hunters, boomkins, and warlock stacking.

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Yo, i was leading that, I had a group of 35 with me. why you blur out the names? lol


1 of the reasons they don’t add more HK achievements is precisely because of these farm groups. pathetic


We won our AV’s tonight. Summoned the ice lord twice too. :wink:

We won all our AV’s tonight too. You’re just lucky you didn’t run into us. We were on fire

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So no premade raids got matched up against each other?

It was all premade vs. pugs?

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Looks that way, what a bummer

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Que dodgers.

Just confirmed: Zeela is as terrible at hunter as she is at dk. DK must have been too many buttons for her to keep keyboard turning.

But… You’re answering on a Tauren?? WTAF ? You talk Alliance…but you hide on Tauren?

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Ripping on 80+ sweet old ladies is not a good lifestyle, even if it’s in a game. You may want to take a look inside of yourself.

Lol you must have never had the misfortune of encountering Zeela at all in game. She is anything but “sweet”.

I talk to her all the time, she has a amazing heart nd I consider her my warcraft grandma. You are missing out acting the way you are. It’s honestly your loss you feel that way and she’d just laugh at you for giving her attention.

Guy, I’ve known Zeela and the people she associates with for longer than you’ve probably been playing WoW. She’s toxic as hell. People reciprocate in kind. Have a good day :slight_smile: