A Vow for Stormpike’s Honor (premade AV)

Because you have Druids leading the charge. Or maybe they are technically behind you. My logical point is that they are there.

Eh? Most of our tanks are DK’s. Oat is off doing Oat things, super secret things.

Let’s not pretend there’s a difference between Alliance and Horde.

I’m talking about healers. How many Druid healers do you have Tortoise? And also dps. Tanks are okay but every successful premade stacks Druid healers and dps because they can stealth and are extremely verile.

Yeah you’re right! Like I said WPvP. I love your posts especially when you stood up for queue times against blizz during that wrath debacle.

We have one druid healer that plays with us regularly.

What are you some kind of druid hater?

Nope, just the way things are. People play the classes they enjoy and there aren’t many resto druids in our community.

You just went up a few notches on my belt Tortoise. I don’t know how you do it with so few Druids but I’m genuinely impressed.

Let me give you some advice from one skilled player to another maybe skilled player:

  1. stack Druids freaking hard.
  2. the key to the game is your west tower. Not east!!! Guard the hell out of it.
  3. drop bg if opposing team has 1 more healer than you.
  4. treat people with respect.

If I told you I could leap from east tower to west tower, would you believe me?

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Go on. I’m intrigued.

No losses for Stormpike Militia last night.

Quiet Miz. The adults are talking here.

Dotlom talk to me about your leaping thingy between towers. You might be into something here.

Or glider! But glider probably has a longer cd than your leap.


Good point Jugs. This has gotten me thinking. This literally changes the entire strategy. Let me think on this.

Also I wonder if teleport range reaches. I never actually tried that.

Krienn did you know mages can f-l-o-a-t

But can they make it from one tower to the other?

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I think they can make it from the top of one to the middle of the other

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That makes a HUGE difference and would defeat the plan and lose the game 100%. Especially if there is a pebble.

A Druid could make the jump. I’m brainstorming here.

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