A Vow for Stormpike’s Honor (premade AV)

I would never publicly list all of the known toons of Holycow

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It looks like field army just stacks boomies? It’s the only thing I ever see them playing


Did you play against them?

Nope. I would have probably lost if I did. Maybe if space goats gets bored they will try to merc into them and stomp them.

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Bummer. I was hoping they’d at least run into some of the bg forum premaders.

They had to change their schedule by 12 hours to try to face you guys.

Too bad for them then. Horde premades aren’t in a good place right now. If it was a couple months ago it would be a different story. I heard DJL was even doing wpvp or something today.

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We still have 40 or so reservists, and if the US service really has a strong organization to make our active personnel feel pressure. They will come to Us server.

The strongest epic community atm is Bloodthirsty Space Goats on Alliance so you’d need to merc mode as Horde to fight them.

Not that SAS and DJL on Horde can’t give you a fight but if you are looking for a lot of “pressure” and challenge that would be BSG.


Fieldarmy don’t fight Allies on the same side most of the time

I don’t know if premade raids are different in your region, but in NA, our best PvPers usually focus on arenas, maybe some rated bgs.

Premade raids in epic bgs are kinda looked down upon in NA because they mainly roflstomp random pugs for easy wins. And they don’t do as well when they face equal competition.

Pvpers always looked down upon others, the arena players looked down upon rated bg players, the 3s players looked down upon the 2s and 5s players. and the pvp community outside of wow looks down upon wow’s competitive scene.

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Just saying we currently don’t seem to have a Horde premade that can take them on. And not sure if there will be one anytime soon.

If they’re hoping to face fierce competition, they might be disappointed.

Same thing in Cn server. But no one care.

When I fought the Balance druids in your group and watched target of target, I noticed that they change targets unusually quickly during team fights. Can you explain how/why they do that? I’ve never seen it before in pvp

Go play a boomkin you would find out.

I mean they are changing target super fast like its keybound on scroll wheel or something? Not just changing targets for moonfire on everything

Chinese kungfu


Like how fast are we talking? Tab targeting can go pretty fast with hero/lust haste going.

The only way I can think of to replicate the speed with in-game options would be quickly scrolling up and down for target next / target previous. I also could not really tell when they would pause to cast an ability

next time I see them I’ll have to take a look myself