A Vow for Stormpike’s Honor (premade AV)

Could be a leader calling it out. I mean, even a single five-man in an epic battleground can do wonders if they’re used to playing with each other.

But honestly just tab targeting gets very close to what you’re saying. There’s also Battleground Enemies addon.

ill be on wow soon hows the bgs going whos qing up rn

Partial SAS premade did pull out a late night win against partial Field Army team in IoC. Don’t count out the Horde completely even if they’re down. Those boomies really hurt though.

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It’s probably this. BGE allows the raid leader or an assistant to become a target caller. It can automatically mark their target with a skull. If it’s turned on.

Or they could be using TopTarget, it puts a large square around the unit which is being targeted by the most players around you. Goes well with TopCombat, which does the same, but for the highest damage enemy.

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My team told me about the ioc. Unfortunately some of us can’t be there. Looking forward to the next fight.

FRAAM was in The ASHRAN!!!
mmmmmmmm NEXT TIME!!!


GG Field Army in AV. Looks like we were winning the mid fight then our pugs left to go North… and lost us the game. Was still pretty close.

We also asked pugs to recall to help hold our base… and they ignored us and mocked us. Was a winnable game but our pugs didn’t want to listen and were impatient trying to end the game faster


Relax. Pug is the same on both sides.We have the same situation sometimes

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I know. Just frustrating that they gave up and went North. Was a good fight up to that point. It was “taking too long”.


Just have fun. My man probably just 1group rn.


I still had fun. Never had such a long team fight in Field of Strife before. Very fun to heal.

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has anyone made a bg forum discord yet where everyone can hangout in it ? or should i make it!!!

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There is that lounge mega thread. A new thread might not be awful

This is kind of a hang out thread. It got bloated by all the nonsense posts from SPM and took off from there.


ill make us a discord that we can all join in n stuff

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ok i made it i think i made it correctly here you guys go , so if u want to talk with me n im not on forums u can do so here aswell or if u just want to keep in touch anyone is welcome btw .


Barking “just have fun” at people doesn’t make it fun. It’s never a fun situation to be attacked and mocked for making the right calls in BGs only for it to become a loss.

Just to be clear, who is attacking and mocking whom?

From what Deso told me, the pugs in the BG he was in.

I wasn’t in that one but I have been in that situation many times. Some people are extremely hostile to any sort of direction even if ignoring it means losing the game.


Ok. Just checking you didn’t mean the person you were replying to, because in your first sentence, you said they were barking “just have fun” at people.

Omg… Go to sleep Deso! Let me win a game!


Edit: Never mind! We’re good!
