A Vow for Stormpike’s Honor (premade AV)

ouch lol why would you want to get banned ?

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We’ll just go with it was a dark time.


I got a silence in the forums too. I said that realms were up when in fact, they were not.


OMG you didn’t…thats seriously toxic behavior lol


we all have em mon amie we all have em :slight_smile: better days from here on out lets hope

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Thanks :slight_smile:

They have been since


Yeah i had my periods of time as well …and yeah thank god i don’t have to do that again…yeah better days for both of us

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when is it not lol since i started paying this game back in 2016 the forums have always been this way . , theres many times ive had to appeal for stuff that made no sense . at least now they punish those who falsely do it .

AV is mine

well of course it is…enjoy. I think i almost cared for .0000000001 sec but i was mistaken

Mine again

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Are you guys playing right now and running into Horde premades?


They just destroyed a horde pug I was in solo qing

i might play some a lil later tonight ! rn im playing some mortal kombat and some swtor ! who wants me to q alli or q horde i can do both ! just let me know yall

We played three round of AV. In one of the AV,the horde was very organized. We had a major engagement in the middle. I guess they were premade,But we don’t feel any pressure.


Were you just in a ashran holycow?

Why? What happened?

Got backfilled in a ashran and saw a priest with holycow in their name

Oh, it’s a pretty common name.


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