A Vow for Stormpike’s Honor (premade AV)

I was paraphrasing sentiment from various forum posters.

So many druids in these premades.

what are you on ? no i already have a bf and it aint RB or egirl lol . No the juicy info i left out was other players names . RB got mad at prev mods for doing what he told them to do and let them be harrassed and during the egirl fisaco he went afk meanwhile his members pulled through and managed to put the community back together while he was crying about quitting for good , he only “came back” after he tried to make drama out of mods doing what he said to do . Theres your juicy info still without many names because i respect those players .

hmm very interesting what did ahrily do in sas now seems to be a pattern here . she just be thanos snapping communities and then poaching them for her own .


So can somebody provide a list of major actors in this drama? There are too many acronyms I don’t know here.

Like SAS, BSG, GG, RR, RB, etc? And like what faction they are.

My only knowledge of such things come from the ancient days of Hydra and Prime.


SAS = savage alliance slayers a community /guild? dont know much about them other then they premade q sync n stuff liek other premades do .

BSG = blood space goats aka ahrilys community she made after she went mia for ninja disbanding golden guardians aka Ruthlessbros community that was 800+ members over night then suddenly came back on her priest to recruit thinking ppl forgot what she did .

RR = Ruthless renegades the new golden guardians community after the fall out that lot ppl left due to RB himself and other harrassment that went on . its a long story .

RB= Ruthlessbro

It is a very long story but basically TDLR : she disbanded a whole community over a rage fit . RB was mia she was mia for few months . She rage quit after there was a fight over a wargame vs sas we were supposed to have. PPL got mad at her for inv newer members instead of ogs etc then she rage quit and ended the wargame thing and then the next night is when everyone woke up to the whole community being gone . she wasnt anywhere to be seen . the night before i had gotten hatemail so i find it weird . other ppl in the community tracked down everyone and we rebuilt GG (RR) without RBS help at all bcuz he kept saying he was quitting for good .

Things were getting better maybe for a lil we were still in the rebuilding phase because after awhile ppl got mad that others were mercing while they were running groups and stuff instead of join them to q with them . Then more fights happened . Some of us wanted to q when SAS, etc were queuing but some said not to because we didnt have enough ppl to , which i thought was really lame like that was the whole point of joining communities was to have wargames and have fun not chicken out becuz another premade has all members . Then a few ppl left and then RB said to the mods to do purges . So they did and then RB made a huge drama over it lying about mods saying it was their fault etc , when he himself told them to do things . They were just listening . IT got so bad they were harrassed everyday to no end daily that they all quit playing now . Over some simple mistakes that ppl made a huge deal over . Which was some ppl got accidently purged it happens but instead of being adults and just simply asking for reinv . Some of these ppl made it to be drama again as if they needed more drama happening after everything else going on with the harrassment and stuff. People then decided to leave GG (RR) to make a drama free community bcuz ppl were fed up with the drama it was too much .

Thats when i had popped in RR disc at the tiem only to find RB attacking prev said mods so thats when i had enough and i cussed him out n then left myself . Because i witnessed everything first hand . i know what happened . I know what went down . I wont be saying every players names here but thats what happened . I had enough of that dramaland . It wasnt worth the headache . So im back to being a solo q again and im much happier less drama like good riddance . Sorry for the novel im just tired of ppl thinking its something to joke around about . So there is the juicy drama that everyone wanted that tea on .


So I think from when I talked to Coquette recently she said she played with RR which used to be GG, so those are Alliance side, and Deacon is one of RR’s leaders. Is that right?

And SAS, are they Horde or Alliance, ie are they Alliance that slay or Horde that slay Alliance (maybe they should rename for clarity lol)?

I’m guessing Hydra is still around but avoiding the drama, so good for Zeela on that, I’m sure it’s much healthier.

And is Prime still a thing, or have their members scattered to other communities?

I know, I know, so many questions…

My information only comes from the forums, so I might have some of this stuff wrong.

SAS = Secret Alliance Slayers. These Horde players used to be guardians of the Light. They looked out for pugs in random bgs and the health of the PvP community. Sadly, they were seduced by the dark powers of premades. Now, they roflstomp pugs and hide in secret, avoiding the Jadei.

BSG = Battlestar Gnomes. These gnomes are in space and they’re very thirsty. And not just for water. There’s a rumor going around that a few of these gnomes might actually be mechagnomes. Oops. That might be spoilers.

GG = Golden Guardians. The esports organization of the Golden State Warriors.

RR = Rabid Renegades. They’re rabid. Don’t ask questions. Flee!

RB = Running back. Someone runs away a lot and then runs back.

I had that same question when I first heard their name.

Not sure if those two groups are still active. I haven’t seen/heard anything in a while.

* Disclaimer: I am not a member of any of these premade communities.


Prime is dead as a doornail but some of the players are around here or there.

Hydra is around in the sense that every now and then zeela queues BGs or something like that

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There’s no way they’re going to ban add ons in general. I have had GMs suggest add ons to me. Besides, it would be far easier for them to simply break it (Like I do with all my toys) in a mini patch during maintenance.

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I thought RB was leading full time ? I guess that’s what the other person ment when they said it was a mess :skull:

I see Deacon more than I see Toothless. Just whupped Deacon’s butt too :stuck_out_tongue:

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Welp I’m just glad I left that mess . A whole mess over there.

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I could very well be wrong. I just know that back in the day, sometimes Deacon would lead SPM games if Miz and Krienn were out, so I assumed he might have a similar roll in RR.

Got me good today, I’ll see ya again tomorrow. Would like to set up a wpvp fight if you guys are down. Have someone get in touch with me. If not all good too.

Wpvp, hmm sounds fun. I’m the one to talk to.

yea i figured he might have ik he lead for a while when he was inv to the community then tho idk what goes on over there now . i left and i prob wont go backk even if rb were ask me to . i def wont be joining ahrily . so idk who is left to join anymore so ill be my own premade of myself lol

Great AV tonight that was fun! Almost 2 hours!


awe i missed it i was eating food n drinking coffee doing secrets of azeroth event i would have loved a 2hr av

There was lots of glory for the Renegades last night


The SPM Renegades?