A Vow for Stormpike’s Honor (premade AV)

Ahh ok. Thanks, just helps me to put a face to a name.

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np but yeah she was the one who disbanded over 800+ ppl


Why? You haven’t said why they’re toxic

So gwiyomi disbanded 800 people and is now trying to recruit for blood thirsty spacegoats? Kekw that’s another reason I’m not in them is cause with Big amounts of people comes drama and issues inevitably and I’m not trying to catch that noise. And at the same time ruthless is also trying to recruit sounds like gwiyomi launched a mutiny lol.


Well there’s more to it, there’s also how Toothless left ppl in charge after the Ahrily debacle then was critical of them. I have little birds tell me things…

I don’t see a problem with being critical. Does ruthless still lead himself? Unless it was a situation in which people are just complaining I never liked the people who will just sit in the background and cherry pick every little thing you do wrong while doing exactly nothing to give you tips or do it better themselves. But if it was constructive that’s fine.

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He left them with little instruction is what I’ve heard. He came back after telling everyone he quit. It was good for us no matter how you look at it.

Before you go listening to “little birds”, keep in mind that birds are dumb enough to fly straight into windows.


she really did gwi is ahrily btw , i have my own opinions on RB but these are not suitable for forums .

yes but im not going to go into those details but he did lie about those ppl hence why i got pissed and so did others n then i snapped and had enough bs and drama.

the problem was he lied about stuff and then blamed them for it .

it was hardly constructive hence the reason for me cussing him out over it , not to mention the ppl he lied about were constantly being harrassed . All because of his said lie . I wish there was a way i could explain it more that wouldnt ruin others privacy . So thats all im going to say about that .

This pretty much becuz kit knows the real whole story , just kit cant say word for word here on forums what went down .

Ummm have you ever been
OUT of your RUT and if you took a
a little WALK with us…… you could
find some BIRD’S with a bunch of
Information just for you!!!




I guess that’s an effective way to clean house and start fresh.

Very piratey.



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I never said anywhere he was a great leader of anything but a pile of sxxx.

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I haven’t been running with RR very long but it’s been as low key as it can get. Someone get a snap trap for that furry rogue btw…

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I hear a lot of stuff. Some I keep to myself until I need it, some I don’t feel the need to use. I heard from two different birdies today that a DK on this thread is multiboxing on druids. Multiboxing in instanced pvp is not allowed. :smiley:

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hmmm i could only guess who

Well…you can multi-box but the input mirroring software required to do it properly is what’s banned. So there’s no point anyway because good luck trying to manually control multiple accounts in pvp.

Whoever it is you’re thinking of is likely using their other accounts for different purposes is my guess.

Okay. So if I’m hearing you right, you’re saying you don’t want to divulge too much juicy information because you secretly dated toothless bro and that gooyimo chick is jealous so she went full biznick on your crew and deleted 800 nerds in one go?

Are you guys still dating and where can I find this crazy chick who is responsible for all the destruction? That’s not easy to do. Trust me I would know. Respekt.

Also, where does tortoise and her bird friends who hit the windows fall into all of this? I got lost around that point.

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So what spunkthirst is saying is that SaS and Big SaS Girls were moving as a unit but then kit and Toothless pissed Gooyimo off by having an affair and now that crazy chick is leading the female version of sad alone sweaties? Continue.

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