"A visage is an expression of how you wish to be seen by others..."

Let me know when that happens for you. Otherwise I’ll be playing my handsome dragon boi.

They don’t resemble any race. It’s a raceless race.

When was the last time you saw humans with jagged pointy ears and scaled scalps?

You only think they do cuz they share the male belf and fem human rigs

I’m assuming that 10.1 is going to start answering questions of how the Dracthyr were created. They are definitely hinting at the idea that there’s a specific reason why Dracthyr look the way they do in Visage form.


Dracthyr are apparently able to even recognize each other in their Visage forms.

Yes which is a big part of why it makes no sense what purpose would Neltharion have to give us visages other then to spy on his enemies? Oh wait of course there is no purpose and it’s all nonsense and guesses from in game Characters because there’s no actual logical way to explain it whatsoever and Blizzard know that they just wanted to sell the Race/Class to people obsessed with “pretty races” who don’t like the beast races or the “ugly races” case closed see you later.

Yes we’re able to do that via these amazing things called eyes that we use to see the scales and dragon eyes on their face oh and can’t forget the Horns on their head too.

That’s not what I mean. They are apparently able to recognize each other even if they’ve claimed to have never met each other in Visage form before, IIRC. I was specifically talking about an interaction between two Dracthyr characters in the expansion that isn’t available on Retail yet, hence the spoiler tags.


I know who your referring too major city both are Scalecommanders and knew each other very well in fact all Dracthyr were very close especially so in their Weyrns seeing each other as Clutchmates it’s not really any crazy magic

I’m going to guess that the only sentient species they got a “welcome aboard” brief for before they took a nap were the elves.

I dunno I feel like the Visage form is fine. I have no problem with my Redhead Elf Girl.

Although if given the choice I’d be a Goblin easily. Nothing says scary then going from 3-4 feet tall to doubling in height and towering over most races and turning something into toast.

Dracthyr aren’t dragons. They have more in common with Draconians/Dragonborn. They are just a lifeform created by a Dragon and are rather humanoid dragons if anything.

A key theme thus far with all the hero classes is that they are all abominations that do not exist naturally. Death Knights being raised corpses, Demon Hunters doing occult rituals to merge with a Demon and use their powers and now Dracthyr a Arcane and Alchemical wonder imbued with all 5 Aspects.

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Something something technical limitations.

When I was on a dating app.

“You will meet a tall dark scaly stranger…”

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Supposedly Neltharion combined the essence of dragons with the adaptability of the mortal races to create the Dracthyr so who knows what they are tbh other then an experiment :dracthyr_shrug:

IMO there’s fertile ground for development where they allow dracthyr to use other races for visage, without letting other races be evokers. Perhaps go through and make it so that horns are proportional on all races’ riggings, and then have achievements per toon that allow additional visage customization after hitting a certain amount of familiarity (rep) with one of the playable races. Minimize the cosmetic development resources needed, let people be whatever “race” they want without messing with the dual dracthyr/evoker racial pairing.

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Right now you only really have " A wizard did it" explanation for Dracthyr.

Very little lore is associated with them.

Dragonflight should change that.

Yeah idk Beta only goes into Neltharion sealing them away and why he created them as far as I’m aware like that stuffs either gonna go unanswered, is secret and unavailable on beta or is being saved for a future patch.

I read this as “totally no tan elf”


Thats issue i had with them, i wanted playable dragons, like wrathion etc (more drake mount size of course like ones we use bronze drake etc) but its something. It just sucks all limitations in place.

This is likely the reason for limiting the races. Picking one alliance and one horde race is likely to satisfy people who absolutely need to be a certain faction and one of that faction’s races.

Honestly, I like the choices available. Able to choose anything, I likely would have chosen another draenei, but I do already have two, so… :slight_smile:

I do wish the males were given a model different from blood elves. I despise their animations, they are so stiff.

They did 1 visage because it is a lot of work to make visages.