A Very very Minor Change that no one will complain about

Why do you think i am so against changes


What made vanilla good was the fact that it was hard. When you played a warlock, you lost one bag slot. The same thing applied to hunters. It was a price for playing the class.

The fact that the game was hard is what made is great. There were not portals to take you around Azeroth. You could not take a FP from quest hub to quest hub.

The only QoL enhancements I think they should add are the ones that were created as mods that everyone used – such as postman. As those mods will not be breaking every patch, even that’s not a requirement.

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“I understand that we all want the original Star Wars trilogy before it was updated, and reupdated, but I don’t think anyone would disagree with leaving the scene in where Jabba confronts Hahn in A New Hope on Tatooine. He was always supposed to be there, the only thing CGI was Jabba himself. They just didn’t have the technology to put him in”

Warts and all. OP. The changes being forced down our throats are like the audio/video remaster of Star Wars. We’re stuck with them because Lucas insists that the originals were destroyed in the remastering process. But just because we’ll still watch the movies with a couple of changes that we’re powerless to prevent, doesn’t mean we should open the floor to whatever relic from the special editions that people want. Down that road leads the wretched Greedo-Shooting-First abomination of the Lucasized Special Edition, and down that street lies retail.

(Though, I would say that SW:SE is more “neighbors” with Cata. Retail is across the street from the prequel trilogy.)

You realize locks would have infinite shadow burns right?

yup, pretty much.

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*Makes a post asking for an entitlement change on a game others have spent YEARS advocating for.

*Calls others whiny and entitled.



Oh no I’m trembling guys! He is threatening to not play classic because we shot down a retail QoL change!!! PLEASE STAY WITH US RANDOMDRUID#2314!!

There are spells that cost soul shards, powerful spells. If allowed to stack soul shards, players will be able to stack a massive amount of them and be far more powerful than intended.

A firm no.

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I thought this was going to be a ‘please let undead be shaman’ thread.

Maybe next time.


Given how you want to improve the quality of life in the game, you want to modernize the game with minor changes, and you think it’s a remaster, I’d say that’s for the better.

I don’t mean that in a rude way, I just mean this probably isn’t the game for you.

This is not a remaster

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These are easy decisions for the devs. They won’t change this for all the reasons you see in this thread. Soul bags, inventory management decisions, DPS changes for SoulBurn, raid prep, etc. All of these things you had to decide as a lock and what was most important to you for inventory or what you brought to a raid. All this would do is make something “easier”
keep going down that slippery slope and you end up with nerfed retail over and over.

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Maybe but obviously you never played a warlock then.

Changing a core mechanic of a class because you find it bothersome or inconvenient is not a small or minor change

No No No No No don’t do it.

It’s not for everyone. I didn’t like playing hunter cause of ammo and pet food. Souls shards weren’t as bad but I still found them quite annoying.

I expect there to be changes like this eventually but not at release. The people that go on and on about ‘slippery slopes’ and ‘then it’s just retail at lvl 60’ are what I find obnoxious. I’m looking forward to BC servers far more than vanilla.

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We don’t need changes like that, no.

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I honeslty hope they never implement shard stacking.
Little changes like that only hurt the classes and take away from the rp aspect.

Additionally other than 15 min before a raid rumning out of soul shards was never a thing if the person knew how to play the class.

What you have with the op is someone who does not understand how to play a class or manage resources and finds it way to difficult to empty their bags before a raid or collect shards on trash mobs.

There no point in trying to convince this community that any change would be good. They are hard headed and unwilling to listen to anyone who has a different opinion than their own.

Especially one that affects a core mechanic.

I always wanted dungeon maps to be added. It always confused me why they weren’t in the game at launch : /