A Very very Minor Change that no one will complain about

Literally anytime someone suggests any kind of change no matter how small the entire forum loses its damned mind. Yes I would say that is vitriolic

Yeah ammo stacks. Hunters are also the only class that actually needs an inventory resource to attack, and not keeping track of your ammo, like a scrub, could mean running out of ammo mid-raid.

the way i look at it is, if classic is successful, we might get tbc, and those kinds of qols will eventually arrive. like i’m really looking forward to the weird dismounts being removed (anybody know when the dismount problem was solved?). and excited for nelf shadowmeld being usable in combat so i can make a legit nelf priest. oh and prot pally’s being good tanks. :smiley: remember getting the spore shield from the sporereggar quartermaster. was a great tanking shield.

just have to be patient. good things come to those who wait…usually…dont quote me.

Yes, we want the game as it was. You can have all the QOL you want back in BFA. Go back to retail if you want things a little easier.


qols aren’t bad if they are repairing a silly thing like being dismounted in a mud puddle hehe but i understand what you mean. classic vanilla is a museum piece - vanilla wow frozen in time. if its filled with qols, it wont be classic vanilla.

As someone who is planning on playing a lock in classic… I would have to say no… no and no. Not only is it not a thing from vanilla, but inventory management is apart of the classic experience.



Most of those don’t affect the actual game though.

You’re the one complaining and begging for changes but we’re whiney entitled little brats?
Look man. We’ve seen where changes leads too.


That probably has something to do with

  1. we’ve seen where changes lead too.
  2. you’re change is actually a bigger change then you let on, letting a warlock use up more bag space for other things.
  3. affects a warlocks ability in raids to output damage.
  4. i don’t see anyone losing their mind ovee this but you. We’re just saying we disagree

Oh also. If you change one thing imagine the brigade of people who would come in asking for their one pet change as well


Yep, knew where this thread was going! Except that everyone apart from the OP is being surprisingly polite.

Not the end of the world, but the beginning of a slippery slope perhaps.

I’m not even #nochanges, there are things I think would make the game better, but making it easier? Nah, just not worth starting down that road for the sake of a few small conveniences.


My girlfriend back then played a lock. Her having to farm and keep track of shards was part of the experience. Inventory management was part of the game she had to play.

Might as well suggest hunter pets not need to be fed.

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Retail let’s them stack yeah? Maybe try that game…

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Retail doesn’t even use soul shards like that anymore

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Let’s just add daily quests and islands back in while we’re at it. I want an easy way to farm gold and battle pets.

Leave Britney, I mean Classic alone!

O.O the world I grewed up in is gone.

“YoU gUyS DoN’t LiKe My sUGgEsTiOn FoR ChAnGe? WhY You So ToXiC?”

Yeah, no. You don’t get to play the moral high ground in this, OP.


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Yeah soul shards are now like combo points or holy power (aka combo points)

what are you doing here then?

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I just threw up in my mouth a little.