A Very very Minor Change that no one will complain about

Different people like different things when it comes to gameplay.

Think about all the games getting remasters right now.


The majority of those remasters also got QoL improvements. Spiro got better camera control and flight tuning. Resident Evil 2 got updated control schemes instead of the old tank controls. The aforementioned FF7 remake has a completely new combat system.

Its not asking much to see some incredibly minor QoL adjustments.

Itā€™s not a remaster. Itā€™s a re-release.

You can still play any of the old Spiro games just as they were. You cannot still play WoW just as it was.

Soul shards will not stack. Thatā€™s how it is. Thatā€™s how we want it. Itā€™s not going to change.

Deal with it. :sunglasses:


It isnā€™t. And it wouldnā€™t change anything.

But, you know, #nochanges

This is not a remaster. Did you see the blizzcon panel? They added the old fog back so you canā€™t see as far and are using old models. This is us getting our game back, not it being remastered.



Iā€™m shocked, I tell you, absolutely shocked.


when you guys say no changes you mean literally no changes

They are a little tolerant of changes that happened DURING Classic. Like adding merchant buyback.

But changes after Classic? Nah. They get pretty stirred up if you down that road.


Iā€™m not gonna lie the vast majority of the people who have commented on this sound like the most whiny entitled little brats Iā€™ve ever met.

Maybe I dont want to be involved in classic. Especially not with this ā€œcommunityā€

You should see them type about AV and twinking and guild banks etcā€¦

If you think your soul shard thread was tragic, go read through those others.

It gets real on these streets.

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I remember back in actual vanilla a pretty positive community. I mean dont get me wrong there were definitely trolls and toxic people, but the people Iā€™ve seen in the Classic forums so far have been the most vehemently vitriolic mess Iā€™ve seen in the entirety of WoW

Forums or public w/eā€™s are usually for complaints and feedback. This is true with most any product.

So, naturally, the type of people more inclined to complain in life will be the larger presence on forums like these.

If you define wanting a truer classic experience as toxic and vitriolic, then maybe.

You guys donā€™t want my personal changed added to the game? You guys are so WHINY!

Blizzard may have stated that theyā€™re trying to release the game such that someone who feel asleep in 2006 and woke up this summer could boot up WoW Classic and might not even be able to tell itā€™s any different.

Yet we have constant threads of people begging for changes, and then calling others whiny, lol.


Gooo Awaaay


You are literally the guy who wants things changed to fit how youā€™d prefer, and then calling us entitled for wanting the game to stay true to its original form?

Maybe you shouldnā€™t be involved in Classic if this is how you act.


Ammo was used every single time a hunter shot. Very different.


Donā€™t worry people, itā€™s minor because he says itā€™s minor. Actually it would be a huge change and obviously it wonā€™t happen. And I say that as someone leaning towards a Warlock main.


Would like you some more cheese with that whine?

You not getting what you want = us being vitriolic? That type of mindset is what Classic does not need. If you want to contribute positively to the community I suggest you take a stab at changing your personality.

If you are tasked with restoring the Mona Lisa, and a random museum patron strolls in one day and suggests adding polka dots to it, to which you respond in the negativeā€¦ what reaction do you think is appropriate from that patron?


ff7 remake has a new combat system? prolly wonā€™t be playing it then, thats very disappointing to hear.


Yea its way better