[A] Thinking of Faction change, worth it?

I am a returning player, I skipped out on BFA for the most part, did some dailies, got a few characters to cap but, never really got into it. When I came back around the time of pre-patch the guild i was in since legion had pretty much evaporated.

I have been trying to find some people to play with / join a guild that’s doing raid / mythic+ content and possibly RP, (it has always intrigued me but I have never really done it… completely new to it lol)
So I ask.
Is it more active on horde side of WrA ?

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I was about to say “by virtue of population, yes,” but it occurs to me that just because there are slightly more Horde players doesn’t mean there are slightly more Horde raiders.

…but there might be? I feel like you’re in an Oregon Trail situation where you might end up in a better place or you might be bit by a snake. Either way, it’s not like faction changes are permanent, so why not try?

I’ll tell you this, though, if you’re intrigued about RP, you can try that on any faction, in any place, at any time with anyone (who is also a consenting Elf and/or Orc). Though if you’re specifically interested in guild-based RP, the Horde will be your buffet because they have tons of that.


I’ve always heard that guild ‘events’ are more friendly than just walk-ups ?
again this is all going based off of hear-say. I have been skeptical about attempting it with randoms condersidering how green I am to the scene.

And while yes it’s not that it is permanent I was just curious as, well, with the times right now some people’s wallets are fairly tight, just trying to do some research before pulling the trigger. I made an alt on the horde side but with how busy SL keeps you, I haven’t been able to maintain the alt as well as keep up with the daily chores of everything else. :frowning:


I would say ‘more friendly’ is a reasonable assessment, but I’d clarify and say that guild events are more purposeful and organized. People gather together for a point, be that to do an event or just to socialize, and that tends to give everyone else at least something to start their RP off of.

But for me, personally, I don’t like group RP so I still do walk-ups. Which is a very unreliable and hit-or-miss system, but it makes me and, like, four other people happy.

That said, though, Horde guilds do tend to do a lot of events and a lot of them tend to be open to the public, so you can also shop around, as it were.


There’s definitely no shortage of guilds recruiting for content.





Expand that to guilds that are RP guilds, and do some content on the side, and your options increase by like a lot! If you’re faction changing for the PvE/Raid Scene, you’ll probably find more interested parties Horde-side on WrA.

But I’d hold off on dong it for the RP. Enjoyable RP is about finding the RP you’re looking for, and no amount of people around can change it if you don’t enjoy the people you regularly encounter, the themes being explored, the aesthetics of the cities, etc. And that can vary highly from person to person. Not that this stuff doesn’t matter in PvE, but it’s often so much more critical in RP.

Make a Horde alt. Download the Total RP 3 app, make sure to note in your OOC/Currently section that you’re new to RP, and try hanging around the Valley of Honor/Mage Quarter to watch interactions. Or go to any of the open server events.

Feel free to walk up and comment on any odd or interesting things that might be going on. Walkup RP is basically being at a mixer. Express your interest in joining a guild/organization or explain what your character’s looking for and things should continue from there.

Here are just some server wide social events happening in the next couple days.






RP events are a good starting point to get your foot in the door and meet a lot of different people, make friends, and connections to guilds and communities that you find fun and interesting. Walk ups in your local hub aren’t bad either, though you are often the one that needs to initiate an encounter. Roleplay is an interesting hobby where you’ll meet all sorts of creative minds, the toughest part is sharing that creativity. But when you do, it’s very rewarding.


Yeah getting into RP was one of the things I have recently decided to do, When I came back at the end of BFA / pre-patch SL and noticed my guild was beyond dead. I decided to make a move to an RP server.
The reason being was that I was aiming to find a guild that did a bit of both. I thought it a way to strengthen connections between people rather than just meeting up for raid day or run a few M+ with them and then have no interactions with them until you repeat it the following week.
So far there has been very little I have found on the alliance side of it (but then again I have very little knowledge of where to even begin) which sparked the question.

I thank everyone for their replies it has been awesome help.

OH, OH! ME! ME! I’m one of the six that likes walk-ups! I don’t nessisarily hate group events, but most of ones I see listed here don’t interest me at all.


We need more undead events. Gotta get Bates to set up an Ice-Scream Social in Raven Hill or something.

Hm… depends on the ice cream.

There a few “twinned” RP guilds - by which I mean the same core group of players have both Horde & Alliance characters they play together. And some RP guilds who raid together.

There are a great many neutral/faction-blind/non-aligned/… open RP events. Some on a weekly schedule, some monthly, some more seasonal. I’d suggest attending some of these where you’d be able to have friendly encounters with a wide spectrum of RPers and RP communities. See who you want to spend more time with. For non-aligned events you’d want to have some Elixir of Tongues (lets you understand and speak the lingua franca of the other faction).

TL:DR there are ways to check out the RP scene before you lay out the $$ to change factions.

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I don’t think it’s the theme of the events that wards me off, personally. I just prefer in-depth stuff they like you don’t typically see at events (understandably, of course–an event that’s just for one or two people is ridiculous).

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We’ve got Booberry, Rotten Road, and Crunchy Spider Surprise! Can you guess what the surprise is?


It’s spiders!


You could always just make an alt on Horde side and find which side you enjoy more. :slight_smile:

Yeah that was my initial thought, but
Time commitment per character vs time available
isn’t able to be balanced I have enough time to sink into one character get my daily chores done, run some dungeons and then im capped for the evening. Part if it has to do with my time management but how people are managing to balance multiple characters this expansion is mind boggling to me.
Not to mention (not that I hate torghast I rather enjoy it) I can’t see myself running torghast more than the 2 times a week needed shudders

I mean some people really do have that kind of time on their hands, but as for me I prepare alts with the anticipation of catch-up mechanics to be implemented farther down the line.

As someone who also skipped BfA, (until the middle of 8.3) I eventually switched from Alliance to Horde here. I love WrA for the culture and environment - have dabbled into RP but my main goal was always to try and be a part of a raiding guild.

Being so late to the xpac, I just said screw it. I made a guild and we ended up getting AOTC Nya’lotha a couple months before the pre-patch for SL. Now we’re 3/10 H and things are really fun! So I’m glad I made the switch.

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That was the same time I came back, I leveled my toons to 120 and then just kind of lost the xpan. I didn’t feel the dungeons and just the whole thing didn’t sit well with me I came back a month or so before pre-patch was released and told myself I would commit to this xpan lol I should have done a faction when I seen my old guild was dead back when I had money still but alas I didnt lol

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Thats a bummer. Rerolling seems arduous but if you really want it I’m sure it’ll come to be. Nathria will be here and guilds are still recruiting big time.

And side note, if you play ranged dps and are thinking of playing Horde, I’m vigilantly looking for more recruits! lol

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I was literally just looking at your name and character trying to figure out why it looked so familiar having not talked to you before.

then it hit me.
I just made a post on the Usurper LFM thread (well earlier today) LOL