[Neutral-RP Event] Ironforge Winter Craft Fest 1/9/2021

The seasonal Ironforge Craft Fest is back once again looking for vendors and entertainers! With the armistice still underway, we thought now is as good a time as any to embrace the spirit of forward thinking to advance our knowledge of the crafting arts! Members of the Alliance AND Horde are welcome to gather in the Winter wonderland of Dun Morogh, in the hills behind Gnomeregan!

What: The hard-working Dwarven clans of Khaz Modan, as well as other denizens of Azeroth, wish to host an artisan’s festival to honor centuries of fine dedication to masterful craftsmanship! This will be the Winter installment in this seasonal event, so come and embrace the various cultures of our world!

Not a Dwarf or Alliance? No problem! All are welcome to join! Bring plenty Elixirs of Tongues.

When: Saturday January 9, 2021, 6-9 PST. Opening ceremonies will take place at 6pm.

Where: Dun Morogh, in the hills behind Gnomeregan!

Contacts: You can message Lynae, Bathildis, or Modarin in game at any point, or send your request via in-game mail. We can also invite you to our Discord channel or in-game community!

What you can do:
As a visitor, you are welcome to roam around the festival grounds, enjoy the night atmosphere and some good casual RP! Come by and shop around, purchase fine goods from master craftsmen and women around the city or submit work orders. Enjoy great entertainment, fireworks, drink, and food! Even register to participate in any sub-events we may have (like a drinking contest or friendly duels).

As a vendor, you can register for a booth to show and sell your wares! We like to spread everyone out along the inner ring of Blackrock Mountain, allowing tons of space for different players to form small gatherings. Blacksmiths, engineers, scribes, even chemists and cooks are welcome!

If you can craft something, wish to take on an apprentice, or teach your trade, you can register. Don’t worry, there are no fees or anything! We just want to keep track of how many people want to fill this position. Please get your booth approved beforehand!

As an entertainer, you can claim a spot to put on your act. Whether you are a bard, have an show, or wish to provide games for others to play, you’re welcome to fill this role! We usually have a bard wandering around the festival playing actual music using addons like TRP3 Extended and Musician, so this is really just limited to creativity.

We definitely plan to spread you guys out so that you’re not being overwhelmed by RP chatter, so it’s very important that we get you set-up in a spot early!

If you don’t want to do any of these things, but wish to be a part of the festival, you are welcome to volunteer to help out where/when it is needed. If you wish to get involved in organizing the event, please contact Lynae or Bathildis in game! I look forward hearing from you!

PS: If you use the addon TRP3 Extended, you’ll also be in good company at this event. We’ll have special wares available (I have a full bar, as well as a limited edition Festival Brew), as well as at least one bard playing live music throughout part of the event.

If you are interested in signing up as a vendor, entertainer, or volunteer, please fill out a registration form! Though we don’t update the list daily, spot selection is handled in the order that forms are received.

Want to check on your spot? Here’s the map!

Current and Tentative Vendors (Plus contacts):

We would love to have some Alliance and Horde side security, as well! Please inquire with Lynae or Bathildis!


The woman, the myth, the legend.

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Hi all! Still plenty of spots left, and plenty of time to sign up. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out! Lookin’ forward to another Craft Fest!

Looking forward to it!

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There’s still plenty of time to sign up!

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Hi Bathildis,
Who do we whisper for an anchor? For those of us on another server.

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I don’t mind anchoring you! Just message me.

Tomorrow night! Still time to sign up!

Hey there! Rhonako can do Tarot Card readings and otherwise hang out and meet people! :smiley:

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If you want a booth, just sign up via the link up top! We would be glad to have you! :point_up_2:

Very excited to be running SWU’s booth for this! Can’t wait until we start tonight. :slight_smile:

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