Who We Are
Whisper provides a non-toxic, stress free, non-judgmental gaming environment for our fellow WoW players in order to help one another improve our skills, kill bosses, and get loot while having fun. We are a guild of friends, raiders, and dungeon runners working to build our brand of dungeons, raiding, and social events on the Wyrmrest Accord server and are looking for new, old, and returning players to join us.
Our top priority is to create an incredible guild environment for all members, in both casual and serious progression. We pride ourselves in creating a safe place for everyone to play the game regardless of gender, sexual orientation, etc. Our raid team are a mixture of excellent players working towards Mythic and Heroic progression without compromising our core values. Our guild community and friendly, supportive raid atmosphere are very valuable to us, and it’s important that you share them to ensure a good fit.
Whisper runs multiple raid teams. Our raid days are Thursday and Friday.
- Our Mythic-progression team raids 5:00-8:00pm server (pacific)
Our Raid and Mythic+ environment is really laid back, friendly, knowledgeable and stress free. We work hard to create a non-toxic, non-elitest vibe and pride ourselves in creating a safe place for everyone to play the game regardless of who you are.
Our current raid needs are:
- Our Mythic raid team is looking for DPS and Heals to join us. We are currently 2/10 and looking to get that next boss down
We like running keys, teaching, and helping our members grow. If you’d like to get into Mythic+ or just have an easier place to find groups, find us via the Guild Finder and let us know about it!
We’re always open to casual and social folks. Find us via the Guild Finder and apply. Let us know where you saw the post!
You can learn more or have any questions answered about us by visiting whisper dash guild dot com, or contacting an officer.
Suge - Suge#11151
Ickbat - Ickbat#1837
Kalunna - Exsomet#1848
Suge - Suge#0324
Ickbat - Ickbat#0762
Kalunna - Exsomet#9245