[A] <The Ashen Vale> - RP/Everything - OPEN

11/12/2018 02:49 PMPosted by Claus
11/12/2018 02:42 PMPosted by Punksy

*kicks tripod from under camera. Watches it fall to floor and walks away giggling*

*raises eyebrow*
*scribbles on notepad*

"Naughty little !@#$%^-"

*squints a bit and places hand on hip*

Don’t forget who powers your Thermasleigh 5000 fat man! Oh and I stole all your cookies and threw your milk out!

*pulling a device with a red button from her pocket she puts on a fake smile*

Hope all your flight testing goes well.
Join the Ashen Vale. We have Santa.
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11/12/2018 03:12 PMPosted by Aeriara
Join the Ashen Vale. We have Santa.

You elves are a sturdy lot and I've been looking for help around the shop. Unlike those weak, skinny elves from Quel-Thalas, you Kaldorei fit the bill.

Now if I help you with this naughty !@#$% Sylvanas, will you consider working for me one night each year?
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The new forums suck.


Great bunch. Highly recommend them for any alliance looking for a new home.


We are still recruiting for anyone looking for a community that thrives on kindness and positivity. Much love to our crew and friends!

More information on our website!

theashenvale dot com


Grats to the guild for getting the 250k honor kill achievement at last night’s cta! Big welcome to Velsera who had her first WPVP experience last night! :heart_eyes:


Ah, that first time… I hope the orcs were gentle with her


Grats on your guild achievement and grats and welcome to WPvP to your new guildie! I hope y’all had fun!

Highly recommend these guys to any Alliance with an interest in RP or a strong community vibe! Great guild, great members, always one of my favorite guild tags to see in the world!


Lot of great events on the calendar for the rest of the month! Movie night, RP-PVP, Raid night, WPVP and more! See an officer for more information or check out our website. theashenvale dot com

Not bad for a bunch of longears!

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So it looks like i need a new home… Some of you may know me I believe some were in emberdusk. I tried to stay horde with part of Surrows but that didnt work out so well. I really enjoyed the group we had in emberdusk and i was considering against all to faction change. Do i have to be a night elf?


hi there! We’d love to have you with us! :slight_smile: You do not have to be a Night Elf, we welcome all races and classes. Feel free to message me in game or on discord (Aeriara#5223) and I can get you a link to our discord or answer any questions you might have!


Hey Spart, seems we never on within the same time as of late. No race restrictions. You will love this guild. Plenty to do with great leadership. Hop on over bud.

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Sounds great guys i will tie up some stuff here then come over if only i can decide what race to be lol. horde seems to be struggling a bit anyways lots of toxic and infighting

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Whatever you prefer man. My dk is worgen but I have one of each race except panda. Never could get into those. But to each their own.

Your guild looks amazing. I’m going to make a character here on this server and will reach out to join.

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Replying on the proper character now. :slight_smile: Your guild looks great. I’d love to join the group. Can you message me when you’re on?


Hi Suone! Of course! Please feel free to reach out to me or a fellow member who can point you in the direction of an officer! My schedule is pretty hectic currently with holiday but I will make sure we get ya in! I can also go ahead and send you discord information, feel free to dm me on discord at Aeriara#5223 !

Thank you so much!


No worries! I got picked up last night. Great! guild and really glad to be a part of the team.