[A] <The Ashen Vale> - RP/Everything - OPEN

07/31/2018 01:34 PMPosted by Aglaica
Pens a quick note and sends it via squirrel to The Ashen Vale:

The past week I was honored with fighting alongside members of your Order.
It pains me to see what the Horde has done to your beautiful lands.
My magic will always be there to aid you all anytime you need.
My militia will be on the shore's Thursday in hope to help any Kaldorei that have not escaped...I hope you all are well


((patrol thursday again 9pm if any of your crew want to join in )

Looking forward to it.
Remember Teldrassil Horde scum
as you run back to your corpse and ask why this happened to you.
Updated our first post with the most current guild info! Our guild colors are currently changed to black as a symbol of mourning. We will continue to fight for our people and what we have lost! For the Vale!
Welcome to all the new members. It's good to meet new friends for BfA. For the Vale!
Great kick-off for BfA. Good to see both old and new faces in the crew!

Raid sign ups are going on and we are unusually heavy on tanks and heals.

Currently looking for dps. Raid in a relaxed atmosphere with some good people. Raid Times are Friday's and Saturday's 8pm-11pm server.

Hope to see y'all there.
Sign ups for D20 heavy rp campaigns are going on right now. Contact Agravaine and Aeriara for IC interviews.

Raid sign ups for Uldir are starting. Contact Feave and Thelryn for raid spots. Need more dps.

Hit me up for small scale wpvp but I'm only 114 so I'm slacking but regardless...always looking to scrap.
you guys have intrigued me and im thinking about joining. i may have to bring my guy over ( id make a new toon just i really dont want to do the opening quest all over again)
08/21/2018 10:04 AMPosted by Sicmen
you guys have intrigued me and im thinking about joining. i may have to bring my guy over ( id make a new toon just i really dont want to do the opening quest all over again)

Contact anyone online and the can get you set up. /salute
*looks at all the elfs not charred*

Ya ears be best for pick’en me teeth. Not burnt so dey be more flexible.

*sees an elf with massive quads*

Ahh ya dat be de one to fill me apetite!
Bumping - I'm proud to roll with a group of decent and kind individuals in The Ashen Vale.
News from the Vale:

Are you interested in RP? Ongoing D20 and Heavy RP campaigns, contact Aeriara and Agravaine for more info.

Raiding Uldir
PvE will be a big focus for the Vale this expansion and if you want to
Tackle Uldir in a laid back and friendly enviorment give us a try. Flexible with specs. Spots still open. Contact our RLs Faeve and Thelryn.

Small Scale WPvP
If you like rolling around in small groups to hunt the Horde look no further. Contact Strongbow to join the Black Cloaks.

And as always nightly M+, BGs, and Arena.

For the Vale!
Raid Night this Friday and Saturday. Contact Faeve for questions and gearing help.

Good luck to the raid crew. Have fun and get some!
Best of luck in Uldir!
Greetings defenders of Feralas, Sisters & Brothers of Elune. I morn with you for the loss of your Tree, of our Tree. My hope is a seed made it out in time, and one day to see the birth of a new.

After hearing of this tragic loss, my friend - Diacono - set out on a Pilgrimage to Feathermoon Stronghold from Gnomeregan. Spending the last few seasons in Pandaria learning what he could from us, he set out to find a new home within the ranks of the Elves - if you will have him.

He is a Gnome of few words, his actions tend to speak loader. My intent will be to join him within the next two to three seasons, however I have things that must be attended to.

The last word I recieved from him was in Highmountain.

Thank You,
Ishnu Alah Guerriero!

We are not openly recruiting at the moment but i'm sure we can find Diacono a home. I'll be on later tonight about 9pm server. Please feel free to reach out. My btag is jimjosof#1414.

If you wanted to talk to someone earlier, our officers Faeve and Thelryn are usually on during the day. Good Luck and hope to hear from you soon!

Thank You for responding, I've sent word to Diacono, and he has changed his route back to Gnomeregan, maybe spending some time with his own people will help.

As for me, I am in route to Iron Forge, to reclaim my former glory within Clan Battlehammer.

Thank You
Shout out to our non raiding guild raid team making steady progression through Normal Uldir. It's all about the journey fam!

For the Vale!
What t’magnus ye yapp’en bout?

*takes a sip from tankard*
GGs last night. We took our first step in to Rated Battlegrounds as a guild and had a great time. 2-2 for the night.

Great heals, teamwork, and most importantly having fun! Keep up the great work(fun) y'all!
What are your prefered hours of operation?

I'm mostly a day timer at best, looking to pve with a little bit of pvp if balancing settles.