A Sylvanas redemption is stupid! Don't do it

W/E, my dude. I’ll stick to the thread and how much I don’t like Sylvanas. Whine about it, I don’t care.

ummm…no she is beyond redemption now and I think writers aren’t that stupid (I get a feeling of doubt when writing this)

But no please…Slyvanas needs to die. I am done with her constant Mary Sue…and stupid game of chess she pretends to play.

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You dont care but feel the need to ardently defend your own compaint. Gotcha.

Its a game. Get over it. You dont write the dtory you consume it

And you are not the authority of how someone should “be into” anything. Get lost, troll.

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Sylvanas is bae.

You can drop the teenage angst dude. Ypu could have wrote “you cant tell me what to do” and it would be the same thing.
Sorry, you dont like something but that does not mean other people will agree with you or your zealot view.

But sure, call me a troll, you are just beimg the very thing you accuse others.of.

So true. She’s played the part of “evil, mean, vengeance driven leader”, and went farther than what any lore needed. Committing genocide and multiple other horrific things, she had to burn the tree, too. She became the center of attention, and now will go out with a bang. She needs to just softly and quietly die and be no more, like any tyrant.

Varian killed Varian. Genn killed Varian. Enough with the “Horde killed Varian” meme. It’s old, and it was a decision he made, Genn not disobeying and chucking himself over instead. His death was to “Choice of Confronting Guldan” not Abandonment of his Enemy’s enemy.

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Well…Slyvanas could have used a more better way to tell Alliance to retreat.

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A loud horn wasn’t enough? How about a “yo dogg V, we be screwed up here. I’m out, peace”?


God, that would be so bad.

But, Blizzard writes to please the fans and it’s undeniable a lot of people out there would love to see Sylvanas redeem herself.

I hated how they did it to Kj.

Blowing horns, having Val’kyr fly down from the sky to help collect people, and seeing them all leave the demon-infested cliff wasn’t enough of a clue that they had to leave?



Well…to be honest, it felt more like abandonment instead of a sign of retreat. Now…that’s just what I felt when I watched the video.

Personal opinion :sweat_smile:

Horde obliterated by trash mobs, Genn picks a fight because revenge and revenge.


Well is there really a difference between abandoning and retreating?
They were overwhelmed. As were the Alliance.

Besides, the Hordes Warchief had been stuck like a pig in those moments.


I disagree. She’s bae. I wish night elves would stop this stuff.

Shout in banshee voice similar to one in BFA cinematic “VARIAN, GET THE F OF FROM HERE…WE ARE SCREWED”

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I seriously dont know how people think she can be redeemed and think it will feel good. She does bad things, wants to continue to do bad things, and even if this is all for the greater good, why abandon the horde and even more her own people? You were the WARCHIEF you could have got them on board with any plan as long as you have a half decent explanation.

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My point is no matter what, it’d come off as abandoning post to Alliance enthusiasts.

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Because she immediately committed the same atrocities as Arthas: raised the undead against their will (as shown by Lillian Voss, Pedro, and the mindless undead whom we are told are Forsaken who went insane), used Blight despite Garrosh Hellscream (a pretty terrible guy himself) telling her not to, Blighting Gilneas, killing Forsaken for daring to care about their families and living relatives more than her, burning Teldrassil and starting years of war willfully knowing every single war casualty innocent or otherwise was going to The Maw, etc etc. Such a person likely does not even seek redemption, the concept of “Redemption” for their actions is foreign and alien to them, “what do I need redemption for?” they would ask, because in a narcissist’s mind any and all actions are justified because they are so great and ALL people are just extensions of themselves to be bent to their will and needs and whims. Before you say “the unraising warped her mind and made her this!”, consider what she said of her soldiers in life as ranger general: “They are but arrows in my quiver to be used to cut down the enemy.”.


Well as far as I heard, she planned both Vol’jins and Varians deaths.

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