A Sylvanas redemption is stupid! Don't do it

Since everything is hinting towards a Sylvanas redemption right now, I just wanted to say why I think that it’s stupid to redeem her at this point:

  • She takes up all the spotlight, this is the third expansion cinematic she is in and it’s slowly getting very boring watching Sylvanas being awesome - more like annoying.
  • She can never lose - whatever happens, she calculated and planned it and everything is according to her plan even if something goes wrong. It’s boring when all Sylvanas ever does is according to her plan
  • She is destroying everything people love about the game. Destroyed the Night Elves as a race and their zones, destroyed Undercity, brought shame to the Horde, killed Saurfang and apparently also Voljin and Varian and now she also wants to kill Bwonsamdi and she always gets away
  • Many people deserve justice against her, both the Horde and the Alliance - a redemption would be very dissatisfying for both sides.

Killing Sylvanas off would actually allow for more variety in terms of different characters in WoW’s story. We used to have different characters in every expansion, now it’s all about Sylvanas being cool (not actually) and evil and this has been going on for a very long time.
Your redemption plans for Sylvanas aren’t going to be as good as you think they will be, many people will be dissatisfied because many deserve revenge against Sylvanas including both the Horde and the Alliance and especially the Night Elves (even though their revenge plot supposedly ended in 8.1) and the Worgen.

Why does WoW have to be all about Sylvanas and why does she have to destroy everything? Why can’t we just kill her off and move on to more interesting characters? She has had her time in the spotlight for so long, it’s enough now.

Let us kill her! Don’t make her a hero so she can be in the spotlight for even longer. Don’t pull a “Draenor is free” on her.


Its a videogame not your life, chill out.


Everything about Sylvanas is just stupid.


Kerrigan redemption was stupid but it’s still happened.


I know, so was Grommash’s redemption and it seems like they will do the exact same thing with Sylvanas. It’s even worse with Sylvanas though because she did lasting damage to the story and the game’s setting.


No redemption for sylvanas

make her perma dead and have her never return


No it’s really not hinting towards a Sylvanas redemption. WTF is this?

Every Sylvanas Cult of Personality follower thought Sylvanas was the anti-hero holding the hands of the Alliance and Horde carrying them onto victory to “save us from the big bad!”

Errr… :thinking: She’s not a protagonist at all this whole time?

Sylvanas is a straight up villain? She has straight up Jailer like armor? We’re fighting against her in Shadowlands??? Um??? Oh. The point of the Covenants is for us to convince each one to fight against her and the Jailer? Um???

Where is the redemption??? Where is the evidence, not speculation.

might want to check out this post of mine to know why its obvious to me that they’ll pull a redemption on her (warning, it’s long).

Yeah I agree I think she is beyond redemption at this point. We seriously just need to get rid of her for good good and be done with her.


Do you have anything legitimately announced or datamined that would lead us to think she might get a redemption or are you going by your own conspiracy theories alone?


The Horde needs to put her down for using them, they let this happen and should deal with it.

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She has made up her own conspiracy theory about how Sylvanas will get redeemed and is absolutely outraged by the thing she made up.


Like what?

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Yup you’re right and I will try as hard as possible to do that lol

I read your post. It’s pretty fair and there could still be room for Blizzard to completely redeem her but that’s a major leap of faith, and not evident. As it stands she is 100% written as a villain. Sure but later on we see a redemption. Won’t we see one for Azshara too? Sylvanas seems a lot like Azshara. Both are working for a bid baddy, and if Sylvanas is hoping to betray her’s then it’ll be likely the way of Azshara. Unless Sylvanas helps us at the last minute unlike Azshara, to kill the Jailer. There were datamined text about how we talk with the covenants. We’re trying to get them together to take the fight to Sylvanas basically. I really don’t see a redemption at this point. I could be wrong but as it stands there is only hope for Slyvanas to be redeemed.

Another point is the burning of Teldrassil. This is perhaps the most misunderstood piece of lore from all of BFA. By far. We 100% know her full intentions and how she came up with the plan… No. Sorry but it wasn’t retaliation or some bigger plot point.

Read up on it. She did it because when Gallywix first discovered Azerite, she wanted to make sure that the Alliance didn’t get ahold of it and she started the new war as Warchief. IT wasn’t retaliation for Legion acts. She has new power given to her from the Shadowlands, who we know made her Warchief now. Meuhzela, or something like that. The rival Troll Death Loa.

In fact. Sylvanas was even supposed to occupy and use part of the burned Teldrassil as a port for the Horde shipping Azerite. The Horde lost Darkshore though so this didn’t happen.

If Azerite wasn’t discovered the reality is she probably wouldn’t have burned Teldrassil at all.

Me Night Elf player me angy Night Elf people got hurt in fake video game world me hate Sylvanas me make many posts about it


Eh. Don’t take other’s words so serious. Discussion is healthy, fun, and needed for WoW. Especially about lore.

Also Warcraft is bigger than just a game.

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I take my exit! <3

Blizzard is trying hard to make us love Sylvanas. Like really really hard.

“Oh yea look guys she beat the Lich King, isn’t she so bada**?”


not everything she does is according to plan, like when she killed saurfang, he tricked her into losing her cool.

i don’t think they can go with a redemption thing though, not everything thats happened was her fault ppl sorta got in the way what with free will n such, but she done enough to be a true villain.

most of the game hasnt been meet baddy, kill baddy though. they usually introduce them to the story, many were in the lore b4 Wow ever existed, i do think its strange they focused on her solely for so long though. hopefully whatever happens its good
i think shes a great character, and more people would probably think so if she wasnt the focus for so long