A Sylvanas redemption is stupid! Don't do it

It was, but at the very least Kerrigan was being controlled during the brood wars.

Sylvanas isnt.

I have been playing for 13+ years now, all my characters are undead cept for 2, I liked Sylvanas and even did BFA as a supporter but honestly she lost me back at the beginning when she burnt your tree down. The forsaken were always anti heroes, shunned by the living through no fault of their own, forced to carry on in post life as creatures of undeath but not really guilty of anything. I still love playing as forsaken, but Sylvanas has totally lost me, at this point she cannot be redeemed even if she were to destroy death itself which is the STUPIDIST thing Blizzard can do or even if she takes death’s place nothing can redeem her. She is still a hot undead model but save that her character is garbage as bad or worse than Arthas.

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I predict some “Wow, she was just serving the jailor to take his position and save all the good people from the maw” or some stupid garbage.

These writers are bitter that their applications to work on GoT got tossed in the garbage and now they want to prove themselves worthy by adding in a ton of stupid “subverted expectations” garbage.


So it wasn’t Star Wars 8 they got booted from? Pretty “subverted” expectations in that one.

I don’t know. I seriously want her to become the next big-bad, simply to have a true Villain in WoW. Not for the loot fodder (despite my many runs to get Invincible, I’m still pro-Arthas as Lich King), but for the story completion. We require a villain that makes the game feel finished (and replayable)

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That’s the feeling I’m getting from it, though she says she wants to free everyone, and that Azeroth is a prison.

I can’t tell if she’s being metaphorical, or literal.

Because I’ve said it twice now, i’d love to see this become like the Matrix. :heart_eyes:

I agree that it’s stupid.

I still want to see it because it’d tick off all the right people though.

I agree with you. I think WoW was best when we had a clear villain and both the Horde and Alliance had noble heroes in their own right.

Wrathgate was a perfect example. Both Horde and Alliance against the Lich King. They were not wasting resources fighting each other.

dont worry, i will kill sylvanas before that happens

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