A Sylvanas redemption is stupid! Don't do it

Redemption would mean someone actually cared. All she wants is to not spend an eternity in damnation, which she rightly deserves.

I want them to redeem Sylvanas into her original High Elf form. Then maybe she’ll finally go away.

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Why does a hero who gave her life fighting the insane and corrupt Arthas and was raised against her will as undead deserve damnation? When she returned she stopped the Forsaken from being ruled by The Burning Legion after Arthas killed them and they rose as undead. Now she deserves damnation because she went insane as undead and being forgotten by the people that should have saved her like all the Forsaken?


She had a choice when she regained her will. She made getting revenge on Arthas her top priority and would stop at nothing to get it, and in the process became just as twisted as he was. She is the Lich King’s ultimate creation.

I do agree that moving past the Sylvanas Arc would be pretty darn healthy for Warcraft’s world and to allow it to move forward and open up new doors.

Shadowlands might be a big step in that direction of getting away from Azeroth and seeing all these other planets and realms that have been neglected this whole time.

DO EIT PLEASE! I love sylvanas Windrunner and she’s amazing. She was only a b**** when you had to kill her in WC3. She’s like the only interesting female character in World of Warcraft aside from my favorite Alexstraza >_>. No, I don’t consider Jaina, talanji, ysera, Liadrin, Hitler Yrel, or any other forgettable female character to be interesting in any way shape or form.

SPOILERS. Seriously though ya’ll.

They’re pushing her as hard as Disney pushes their female characters, and that’s saying something… expect a lot more Sylvanas cheese and cringe before this is all said and done.

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All she wants is to be free. How she becomes free is uncertain at this point. I was however disconcerted how the Lich King became weaker than Sylvanas. I like the Lich King as a character but Arthas who was originally the Lich King died and so they gave the crown to someone else who couldn’t truly fight with the power that was in the frostmourne. imo

Zealotry is not an excuse to behave as if what occurs in game affectd you. If I wanted a lame comeback Id have asked.

Firstly, zealotry is a very good reason. So is wanting to escape, mentally; or immersion. Secondly, you’ll get what responses you get regardless of what you want, since this is a public site, and you shared your condescending ideas, publicly. The snooty, “I’m so much smarter than you” attitude doesn’t fit you, nor does the tone.

I don’t like Sylvanas, but the thing about not redeeming her/revealing a secret motive would mean that we had a huge villain as our warchief during the final battle with the Legion. What a bunch of history flushed down the toilet in any case.

Totally agree with this. Her arc more than any other’s permanently pushed me away from caring about the story. She’s edgy and bitter and always has a plan, we get it. I couldn’t be more sick of her personally.

Forsaken have the least in common with the other races of horde so a forsaken warchief has always felt out of place. I mean just imagine if she wasn’t technically an elf, it would literally be dead humans vs live humans as the main storyline. Horde’s war campaign felt like it just as soon could’ve been a scourge op, didn’t really feel connected as a troll.


Zealotry is not a good reason. A game is a game, and if you are using it to escape your problems then maybe you should face them accordingly instead of whining about a story the devs want to write.

Go ahead and defend it though

You don’t know what the reason is for the OP’s post, nor would your assessment be important, if accurate. Secondly, you’re whining about someone whining.

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Is it? It might have before, but apparently even sylvanas loyalists won’t like her, story wise, in shadowlands.

Sylvanas about to be vaporized by the power combined of the titan Pantheon
Sylvanas: eNoUgH!!!1one!11!
Banshee REEEEs and then leaves

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Maybe if you were functionally illiterate ylu would not know the reason. OP makes it quite clear. The importance of your response has the same weight as well, so I am unsure why you bring it up, nor am I sure why you so fervently are coming to the OPs defense.

Secondly, you are a hypocrite. Whining about someone whining about someone whining.
You wish to continue your white knighting? Go for it. Not changing my mind with your feeble arguments or weak attempts at moral supremacy.

Insults are not necessary, and typically indicate fear or insecurity. It’s not a good way to get your point across.

Because I can, and felt the desire to. Just like you, my dude.

I’m not complaining at all, I’m only trying to tell you how you don’t make any sense. You come to a thread about lore, and whine about the op’s nature. Seriously? What’s wrong with you? Don’t like it? Move on…JFC…

lol you don’t know what the term means, clearly.


That’s obvious. lol

And your’s is strong and has solid base?

“Complaining without a solution is whining” -Teddy Roosevelt described your comments, best.

This quarantine is really getting to you, man.

So, someone talks about the lore and you get all “philosophical”…chill, my dude. If it’s “just a video game” like you said, then why are you so upset? Move on…damn.

For being exasperated you seem very intent to continue furthering it. I suppose you must be bored. I would engage further, buuuuuut, I dont feel like it.
Feel free to continue finger wagging though, its amusing