A Sylvanas redemption is stupid! Don't do it

Yes she will, quite obviously even.

The dark lady does not require redemption. She will free us all from the prison called Azeroth.

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Just join the Sylvanas cult already.

I know a lot of folks believe this as just a wild conspiracy and I can see why.

But also look at how Blizz handled Grom and how they just had everyone just forget his literal genocide. And how Sylvanas has just gotten away with atrocities for years.

I hope OP is wrong about this. But I’m afraid they will be.

I hope they don’t redeem her but I at least hope something cool with her? Not something for the development of another character, something that’s entirely about her.

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You know whats stupid?

your forum spam about how you don’t like Sylvanas.

I hope she gets the most glorious redemption ever.

There’s literally nothing.

Yeah I’m waiting for anything to imply that.

I suspect she’s just going to be the villain, or maybe there’s a twist and we have to work with her and the jailer again, but I’m HOPING this expansion will wrap up her story.

make it a musical too

The Jailer is the big bad guy. Sylvanas is essentially just Gul’dan 2 Electric Boogaloo.

But we also know literally nothing about him.

Well, we know his name is Zovaal and he has a trait in Torghast called “Zovaal’s Soulrender.”

And he’s got a big hole in his chest.

And we all know what happened to Gul’dan… :wink: :boom:. I guess Sylvanas’ ironic twist death would be being eaten by The Jailer for a boss buff?

Motives though? And am wondering how Helya is going to fit into all of this.

There’s plenty. One general idea is that the Jailer had his soul stolen by the Arbiter, who now keeps part of his soul in her chest.

Hence the hole in his chest and the Arbiter’s black orb.

Who really knows though.

It’s something that they’re really into, and they want to see the game go in a good direction. Chill out.


This and This ^^

Sylvanas true savior she is yes, the chosen one she is indeed… forsee I do, Sylvanas will destroy the Void Lords and Light Gods and bring about era for greyness and balance she will.

Sylvanas must be redeemed. She is the Ranger-General of Silvermoon. She gave her life to save her people. Then she led the fallen and forgotten of Lordaeron to some kind of life after the Alliance had given up on them.

You are crazy to say Sylvanas should not be redeemed. What did she do to deserve to be undead but fall before the corrupt and insane Arthas?

We must redeem her. Silvermoon owes her. Lor’themar should push for her redemption if possible.

And her redemption with a beautifully done cinematic is just way more fun than killing her in my opinion.


Really? Sylvanas killed Voljn and Varian? I think you need to go rewatch the legion cinematics. And you complain about her always getting away? Jaina tped them all out of undercity before they died. She tped out of a raid with 5% health. Mekkatorque froze himself at 5% health. Alliance leaders are the ones that get away lmao