A Sylvanas redemption is stupid! Don't do it

You’re deluding yourself. She is the savior of Azeroth.

She dies, sees that all souls go to the Maw for eternal damnation. Strikes a deal with the Jailer to gain power. Burns the tree to set up her NE army on the other side. Tells us we’re all pawns, tin soldiers, and that the world is a prison.

Now she’ll set us free.


Ok… that’s just. Dude… that’s some trojan horse plan. I hope that’s the case.

I really, really can’t wait until more info it’s unvailed and prove all these speculations you keep passing as facts wrong and I wonder how long it will take for you to go through the 5 stages of grief until you finally accept it too.

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you act like I want it to happen which isn’t the case, it’s just that I know it will happen.

I’m honestly starting to wonder, after all, if it doesn’t, then what will you complain about?


once none of this proves true are you going to just ghost on the forums?

i have a feeling that’s the case.

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My money is on that she will simply switch alts again.

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Depends on what there’s to complain about, but since they’ll redeem Sylvanas there’ll be plenty of things to complain about.

Nope, I’ll just keep using this alt - or atleast this name so people will recognize me.

Your fatalism it’s not a fact, understand it already.


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I’m glad something other than a human or orc has the spotlight for once. Sure shes just a dead human with point ears but I’d rather that than more orcs and humans.

Every universe has a character like that. Heck palpatine is a great example. He was playing 5D chess in the original extended universe and even in the new universe was planning pretty far ahead. Nothing wrong with that.

Really? Then where did that MASSIVE ARMY come from that both fought in and won the warfront AND could be used as cannon fodder in a suicide attack? Did she kill many night elves? Sure, but your hardly “destroyed as a race”.

Ok let’s be honest here. Who hasnt at this point. Every warchief, barring voljin who was immediately killed, has done something to shame the horde during their rein. Heck look at garrosh, he did just as much as sylvanas and he got a sympathetic pseudo redemption.

Someone had to.

Now I am not reading story spoilers on shadowlands but I have my doubts sylvanas killed either of those two. Voljin was killed by a demon, probably being effected by someone from shadowlands. Varian was killed by Guldan, the horde retreating or staying wouldnt have changed that. It would have just ended in much more bloodshed than needed.

Sure, I actually agree with that. Though you really need to chill with your blind hatred for a videogame character. Your like the same but opposite of a Sylvanas fanboy.

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Incoming alt switch to another Night Elf

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There is no Sylvanas redemption.

I don’t know who told you that there was one, but there isn’t. None of her actions were done to ‘turn the mortal races of Azeroth against a greater evil’. She did not ally with the Jailer so that he could fight a big bad that was encroaching on the horizon.

Everything Sylvanas did was self-serving. Her own power is all that matters to her. Nothing she does at this point could possibly redeem her in the eyes of either faction that she fought against.

I can’t be the only one who thought this was inevitable with her. She’s always been a mustache twirler as a result of never for a single moment being over the fact that she’s dead.

Every time she’d cooperate with the Horde, she had her own endgame.

And we are just like: “Bolvar! are you okay buddy? come on, get up and give me some quests, long time no see”.

Nathanos has been datamined as a dungeon/raid boss which implies that Sylvanas will be a boss at some point.

However, Nathanos being datamined as a dungeon/raid encounter doesn’t necessarily mean we fight him… we could be assisting him or saving him just like Valithria is considered an encounter in ICC.

I mean I do have 2 different characters I used to post on, maybe you can find them since they have similar names

Sylvanas has been tormented ever since she lost to Arthas. Her redemption could be she finally dies and FINALLY is at peace and just lets go as she dies.

Sylvanas did nothing wrong.

and then she should go to hell just like all the innocents that died because of her and the Horde.

Sylvanas will not be redeemed in Shadowlands, so you just wasted all that time typing up that crap.