It’s like they want to cut off their head to save their arm, instead of just cutting off their arm.
If 3s and 2s are obsolete, just let them die and run the course that 5s ran until their deletion. There is absolutely no reason to kill off the casual arena player base we’ve tried to cultivate for a decade now.
Blizzard could do soo much with PvP, yet they dont.
I still think that every expansion they should just fence off part of a dungeon or raid map to use as the new pvp arena, maps with holes and pitfalls, deadly traps, spice things up…
How about instead of dampening, if the game goes on too long they release deadly elite beasts into the arena lol. Most of us are NOT going to the AWC blizzcon championships, and could not care less who is playing in it, just wanna have fun!
I’m fairly certain the days where Glad was prestigious are revolute. I’, speaking for myself but I think nowadays people just want to play, improve and have cool drakes and cosmetics. Some seasons are inflated, some aren’t. It’s part of the game.
Saying Shuffle doesn’t deserve a drake is living in the past.
Unchained Glad might have been super inflated but for some, it was a good season in which they earned their very first Drake and now thirst for a second.
The issue isn’t actually Blizzard here. It’s the players. Whenever Blizzard tries to do something fun or attractive to casuals, the more hardcore players disavow it, like they’ve done with solo shuffle and like they’re trying to do with the CC changes. And as soon as the hardcore players say something, their followers will parrot it as well, even if it does not suit their own interests.
If we did take your suggestion, the hardcore players would pessimistically criticize it. Some just take the game and PVP way too seriously.
THATS SOO TRUE!!! Every bit of it!!! Blizzard caters to the .01% Elite, who only care about their stream donations and pay piggies.
Remember when DKs were new, they could battle rez a team mate as a ghoul, that was FUN!!! In MoP warlocks had a glyph Dark Apotheosis, where they were a shadow cleaving mele beast, that was FUN!!!
They take the FUN out of wow, and the players leave.
I been talking about making PvP fun again, about player participation. PvP participation is down there with Pet battles, thats why we get NO resources or help lol.
A sick looking legend drake with a unique model and a cool enchant like the one from mop or wod Or legion exclusive to solo shuffle is pretty valuable.
The game would actually have more net rewards in total with my idea which means there’s more reason to play wow pvp.
It’s only more fun because of artificial inflation making people think they are better than what they actually are=dopamine rush
If shuffle inflation capped out at 2600 being the top of the ladder instead of 3500 and 3s inflation was currently at end of season unchained then literally everyone would be queueing 3s and shuffle is dead. But you already knew that
Except traditional 3s already has unique rewards and it’s still dying. Turns out, no amount of rewards will save that mode because solo shuffle is just more fun for people.
Or maybe it’s more fun because it isn’t as contrived by a meta and it’s less organized? There’s a reason random BGs have been the most popular PVP mode since the game’s inception.
Sorry, but the reign of 3s elitist has come to an end.
How do you know? You think people would go back to the LFG system after experiencing solo shuffle? You realize we’ve already seen this play out with PVE right? When they introduced LFD, what happened to traditional group forming?
You’re wrong on all accounts. Would you like to try again?
you’re not wrong necessarily but the vast majority of “casuals” who PvP do so for the elite sets and if you remove that from SS, you wouldn’t see a meaningful increase in the original brackets you’d just see a fall off in SS which would nail the PvP coffin imo
the reality is when solo q RBGs come in arena is gonna die anyway so we are really just waiting for the hammer to drop
Rather have the Mop enchant than any of this seasons elite gear that thing looks sick
Nah it doesn’t have unique rewards except the glad titles/mount. Everything else you just get for free by backpedaling on a dh pressing 123 in shuffle.
3s has low participation because of deflation. The ladder hasn’t started inflatting until like last week. Shuffle started inflated from week 1 which made it easy to collect all the rewards
Also they won’t hot fix the lfg tool for some reason which contributes to low participation
Do the career challengers that got glad in unchained season also fall into this category of 3s elitists?
Knee slapper
I only have one account and it’s the one I’m posting on?