Yeah, that was their awkward fix. They didn’t have a definitive way of tracking stuff prior to Legion. I remember poking around on the PTR and noticing that with the new illusion system you had to keep an extra in your bags for it to carry over from wod.
In solo shuffle, you have certain classes that excel. In traditional 3s, you have entire comps. Do you not see how there’s a difference? Do you think these two things are the same?
Because it’s an irrelevant logical fallacy. Ret paladins are in no way comparable to something like RMP. Why won’t you answer any of my questions? Is it because you can’t?
Or is it because the answer might be a little revealing !?
Yeah but in shuffle if your class sucks then your screwed but in 3s you can play comps that cover your weaknesses.
In 3s you can work together as a team to strategically defeat RMP but in shuffle it’s hard to coordinate with your teammate with 30 second starting room and no voice that will likely get one shot by an op class without using a defensive
Reduce the need for addons to track buffs, debuffs, and other procs. Time for them to modernize the basic interface so all those procs are easier to track. Right now, it’s almost impossible to compete with the basic user interface at high ratings.
Also, find a way to make macros easier to use. It’s almost impossible to compete without macros at high ratings.
And they need to find a way to elimnate all the excessive spells that almost do the same thing. A good example is flash heal and regular heal. Find a new middle ground heal between those two spells so only one keybind is needed. That’s just one example of many. There are so many abilities that almost do the same thing but are only differentiated by a small modifier such as being slightly more energy or mana efficient.
Or is it because it destroys your entire argument?!
Try again noob
The only classes that suck in traditional 3s are blood dks prot warts and vengeance demon hunters and those type of players don’t deserve people playing with them regardless
I tell blizzard to inflate 3s….they add inflation……I tell blizz buff rsham and hpal….they buff them both…… I should give them orders more often.
makes sense. the pvp community isn’t very welcoming. thats not to say pve isn’t toxic but i think pvp has its very distinct toxicity along with very steep learning curves which people would rather not put the effort in learning.
which makes no sense. i have never done that purposely in any game ever. maybe i’d make stupid plays because of being tilted but id never run it down the lane. literally blows my mind.